ruabrandao 发表于 2015-6-18 02:46:00

折騰 ... 繞了一圈, 還是覺得LCD-X好

本帖最后由 ruabrandao 于 2015-6-18 02:51 编辑

先買了LCD-X, 一直吃著碗的, 想著人家的, 對3唸唸不忘 ... 一直想弄支回來

最後, 兩支長期听下來, 覺得X各方面做的不錯, 高音延伸做的比3好, 但人聲韻味沒3那麼有韻味,


到最後最後, 要送走3了 ...

Mockingbird 发表于 2015-6-18 04:33:16


Lawgic 发表于 2015-6-18 10:36:37

lcd x听古典给力吗


我晕哈 发表于 2015-6-18 11:58:14


ruabrandao 发表于 2015-6-18 12:15:36

本帖最后由 ruabrandao 于 2015-6-18 12:17 编辑

Lawgic 发表于 2015-6-18 10:36 static/image/common/back.gif
lcd x听古典给力吗

I love to listen to Julia Fischer with Mozart Violin concertos (Pentatone SACD) over the LCD-X. Both musicially and technically very very good.


"The LCD3 and other models do exhibit more treble roll off so has a tendency to 'warm up' the string sections as you say, but the LCD-X doesn't compromise the treble. It's fun listening to the details on the HD800 due to the 6khz spike, but it's not natural, it's exaggerated." That `s what I`m trying to say, dear Chang. I compared the LCD-X with almost alle good headphones on the market and liked them most. The dealer had them almost all at his wall. But i have not heard the Stax-Phones. The SR009 would be very interesting to listen to. But I do not think that I would spend so much money for a headphone. ...

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