天津头领科技 发表于 2015-1-26 14:22:31


本帖最后由 天津头领科技 于 2015-1-26 17:37 编辑

Quite possibly the best-sounding headphones in the worldHE1000或许成为世界上音质最好的耳机
The Audiophiliac previews the ultimate Hifiman model, the HE1000.by Steve GuttenbergAudiophiliac抢先关注HIFIMAN新款旗舰耳机—HE1000.作者:Steve GuttenbergLast Sunday at the Trump SoHo New York hotel I heard a preview of a new pair of high-end headphones from Hifiman, the HE1000, and they were easily the best I've heard from that company.上周日我在纽约Trump SoHo酒店有幸试听了HIFIMAN新款高端耳机,也就是HE1000,这款耳机完全是我听过的这个品牌最好的耳机。
Hifiman founder and CEO Fang Bian wearing his HE1000 headphonesSteve Guttenberg/CNET图片为HIFIMAN创立者兼总裁边仿先生佩戴HE1000

The see-through clarity and lively dynamics were remarkably effortless. Which is to say, music played over the HE1000 sounded less like listening over headphones, and more like the real thing. The HE1000 was hooked up to another forthcoming Hifiman product, the EF1000 hybrid tube/solid-state headphone amplifier.清晰可见的动态非常有效。也就是说,通过HE1000播放出的音乐听起来不像是耳机放出来的,更像是现场播放。HE1000和HIFIMAN的另一款新产品是搭配使用,EF1000胆石混血耳放。

Lucky me, I get to hear "awesome" new audio products all the time, but they're rarely all that awesome. When they're from new companies they're usually nothing special; me-too designs are the norm. When the hot new product is from a company with a track record of making good stuff then chances are the new design will be decent enough, but only slightly different from what the company currently offers.我很幸运总是有机会听到一些非常赞的音频新产品,但不是所有的产品都是那么尽如人意。有的新成立公司的新产品没有什么特色;模仿其他产品也是常事。一些非常牛的公司上市的新产品足以给人耳目一新的感觉,尽管只是和其上一款产品没有什么太大的区别。

Truly exceptional products are rare, that's what makes them exceptional. The HE1000 headphones and EF1000 amp looked and sounded radically different from and better than any current Hifiman product, that's for sure.让人觉得无与伦比的产品很少,所以才使得它们变得这么超乎寻常。HE1000耳机和EF1000耳放颠覆并超越了HIFIMAN老款产品的外观和音质。

Specifications weren't forthcoming, just that the HE1000 is a big, over-the-ear model, incorporating huge planar-magnetic drivers with super-thin "nanometer" diaphragms. The driver elements are visible through the earcups' outer grilles. The HE1000's sound is more more open and spacious than you get from Audeze, Oppo and other Hifiman planar magnetic headphones.产品参数早就已经公布了,尺寸很大的HE1000是一款有着纳米级厚度振膜和超大平板振膜单元的头戴式耳机。透过耳机外观的百叶窗式格栅设计可以看到单元的内部结构。你能从HE1000中听到更广更开阔的声音,远比Audeze,Oppo和HIFIMAN其他平板振膜耳机要丰富。

I did find out the HE1000 weighs 500 grams (a little over a pound), which is about average for this type of headphone, but it's heavier then more conventional headphones. Even so I found the HE1000 very comfortable to wear for the hour I listened to it, and to have a decidedly luxury feel.HE1000大概是500g重(一磅多),其实是这类耳机的普遍重量,但要比传统耳机略重一点。我觉得HE1000佩戴很舒服,甚至明显有种很高贵的感觉。

The headphones and amplifier are preproduction units, and Hifiman founder and CEO Fang Bian is still fine-tuning the designs. As for prices, the HE1000 headphones and EF1000 are cutting-edge products so they're going to be expensive.Hifiman's HE400i headphone that debuted in 2014 is the most affordable high-end planar magnetic headphone currently on the market.HE1000和EF1000还没有正式上市,HIFIMAN创立者兼总裁边仿先生仍然在产品设计方面进行微调。由于是顶级耳机和耳放设备,所以他们的售价应该不会很便宜。2014年上市的HIFIMAN HE400i耳机是目前市场上性价比最高的高端平板振膜耳机。

书香乐器 发表于 2015-1-26 14:51:55


古惑的机器猫 发表于 2015-1-26 15:20:52


kyo2924 发表于 2015-1-26 16:16:58


nidemm1987 发表于 2015-1-26 17:05:27

古惑的机器猫 发表于 2015-1-26 15:20 static/image/common/back.gif

看样子不具备一鸣惊人,一耳朵就中毒的声音,这种声音一般要具备两个特点之一 素质极端突出或 音色绝美,纯猜测he1000都不具备,那如何能秒了以前上古神器,最多能称霸当下。纯yy,也很好奇这耳机实力。耳机样子还不错,最不山寨的一款,有突破,耳放依然土气十足。

fox0000 发表于 2015-1-26 17:52:00

书香乐器 发表于 2015-1-26 14:51 static/image/common/back.gif


wzl1023 发表于 2015-1-26 17:52:50


Frederica 发表于 2015-1-26 19:15:44

kyo2924 发表于 2015-1-26 16:16 static/image/common/back.gif



vineland 发表于 2015-1-26 19:18:04


amex 发表于 2015-1-26 19:48:44


沉迷 发表于 2015-1-26 22:13:59

amex 发表于 2015-1-26 19:48 static/image/common/back.gif

:lol+ 1

iLLogiCo 发表于 2015-1-26 22:16:44

amex 发表于 2015-1-26 19:48 static/image/common/back.gif


快乐小猪 发表于 2015-1-26 22:49:16


nigelming 发表于 2015-1-26 23:05:29


巧巧 发表于 2015-1-26 23:07:29

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