gameguytw 发表于 2014-2-27 08:11:37

土壕限定,VE6 Xcontrol史上最贵客制化耳机上市(SE-5哭哭)

6 balanced armature drivers
    4-Way Crossover
    outstanding separation in the stereofield
    optional switch function

VISION EARS stands for innovation and quality! The VE6 Xcontrol is a novel In-Ear model by VE. By using a little switch – placed on the faceplate of the in-ear – you can switch between two different crossover settings with two different sound-characteristics.

X1: Full and precise low-end, incredibly present mids and detailed highs

X2: Clear and seperated sound with precise low-end, finely tuned mids and detailed highs
全新发布Vision Ears 新旗舰耳机- VE6 Xcontrol

VE6 搭载了 6单元平衡电枢,4路分音

单体配置为超高音x 1 / 中高音x 1 / 中音x 2 / 低音x 2
搭载了超高音,赋予高频的解析与延伸,更深一层的听感提升,完美的表现~ 令人赞叹


针对不同的聆听VE6 共推出2 个调音版本

X1 - Full and precise low-end, incredibly present mids and detailed highs
X1 的调音,饱满与精准的探底低频, 立体浮凸的中频,与纤毫毕现的高频表现。

X2 - Clear and seperated sound with precise low-end, finely tuned mids and detailed highs
X2 的调音,透明和分离度佳的声音取向,线条明确的低频,韵味十足的中频,以及纤毫毕现的高频表现

VE6 Xcontrol: 1899 EUR
VE6 X1: 1499 EUR
VE6 X2: 1499 EUR



xu900401 发表于 2014-2-27 12:04:41

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查看完整版本: 土壕限定,VE6 Xcontrol史上最贵客制化耳机上市(SE-5哭哭)
