有哪位仁兄能介绍下Gerhard Oppitz 的贝钢奏
如题。近日在PRESTO上试听了一些德国钢琴家Gerhard Oppitz 演奏的贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲。感觉很是不同凡响。我一度认为席夫在ECM的那套全集已经是新录音(广义上)范围内的决定盘了,但这位不甚知名的Gerhard Oppitz 却让我产生了修正自己观点的动机。请听过的朋友不吝赐教。 貌似是肯普夫的学生,那套贝钢奏挺贵的,好吧,其实我也没听过 奥痞子挺知名的,也是德奥作品见长的。 是很贵。现在搞特价算下来也要将近600元。 他的贝钢奏比Schiff好得多, 但是个人认为太démodé, 音效也不够好. 红袖招 发表于 2014-1-7 18:31 static/image/common/back.gif是很贵。现在搞特价算下来也要将近600元。
我在PRESTO网站上看到的。 钢琴皇帝 发表于 2014-1-12 07:27 static/image/common/back.gif
他的贝钢奏比Schiff好得多, 但是个人认为太démodé, 音效也不够好.
我试听了一下,感觉音效很好啊…… 必须的,绝对是神演啊,我买过一套 听了下,声音很清,速度像挤牙膏。
Gerhard Oppitz, now nearing sixty, plays with a certain expressive nonchalance. There is considerable clarity and fine chording, judicious pedalling and altogether a rather unruffled, somewhat withdrawn approach. His tempi are conventional but unlingering and his rubati well calibrated, with a degree of latitude that is duly ‘paid back’. There’s certainly a quotient of ‘grazioso’ in the orchestral life generated by Marc Andreae, though there’s a rather downplayed sense of anticipation leading to the joyful release of the finale. Patrician reserve is the rule.
Read more: http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2012/July12/Schumann_pc_Tudor7181_Onyx4088.htm#ixzz2tqeHlUKc 上周末刚听了他的现场,相当棒