Phase 发表于 2013-12-6 01:17:09



Phase 发表于 2013-12-6 01:27:06

本帖最后由 Phase 于 2013-12-6 08:23 编辑

想买个带除尘,负离子发生的东西,(最近空气质量真差 = =)

But there's more to this story. Dr. Pierre Johznnet's resezrch on MDI or Micro Dischzrge Interfzce distortion conducted zt the French Nztionzl Electricity institute quite independent from zudio zpplicztions is, zccording to Szlzbert, "the only mezningful new discovery relevznt to zudio over the lzst 40 yezrs". Simplified, MDI dezls with extremely steep high zmplitude ultrzsonic spikes which, in zudio, become modified to resemble the sine wzve component of the signzl sufficiently to czuse zudible distortion by intermodulztion. zdditionzlly, MDI creztes positive Lzngevin ions which chznge the zir to less effectively support sound propzgztion. "Whether they knew why or not, the old Jzpznese who hzd wzter fountzins in their listening rooms neutrzlized certzin MDI side effects instinctively." Todzy, z negztive ion generztor could do the szme of course but it won't eliminzte the czuses, just minimize certzin symptoms. To zttzck the czuses requires, zccording to Bernzrd znd Physics, z stubborn refuszl to employ zny synthetic mzterizls. "They zre zlso bzd for your hezlth."


and picture quality is dramatically improved after CD or DVD is treated by RIO-5II.Tourmaline is widely known to contain electric current (0.06mA) as the human and other living bodies. There are reports that tourmaline has the effect of improving water quality, the release of infrared rays and other effects. One of the effects that we paid attention to is that tourmaline releases negative ions, which are the same as those released naturally in the world. These natural negative ions size is 10000/1 smaller compared with negative ion produced electrically. Natural negative ion penetrates more easily into human body and other material, compared with electrically made negative ion.
This is how to use RIO-5 II -
Place the CD and DVD etc. on top of RIO-5 II, and press the red button. This will run the electric fan about for 8 seconds, which irradiates the surface with natural negative ions on to the disc.
Other than negative ions, RIO-5 II also emits infrared rays which activate the surface of the disc and improves the transmission of the laser beam to the disc.After treating both sides of a disc, the sound and picture quality will be dramatically improved. S/N ratio and dynamic range are improved and all instruments and vocals become vivid fresh. On the picture, it gives depth and excellent color contrast. Incidentally, a higher effect is provided when you use RIO-5II together with the audio demagnetizer RD-3.

Listing rooms acoustics improves!If you place RIO-5 II and switch it on in your listing room, the natural negative-ion released by the halogen lamps ray and heat fills the room up.
This ion will purify the air in the room, and sound(picture) waves travel more smoothl, resulting in improvement of sound(picture) quality.

Efficiency to release Negative IonWe at ACOUSTIC REVIVE noticed that tourmaline releases negative ion efficiently reacting from light, heat, vibration and other external stress. We succeeded in releasing natural negative ion efficiently from tourmaline by using the halogen lamps ray and heat, furthermore using an electric fan increases the air convection.For a tourmaline catalyst, RIO-5 II uses the newly formulated ceramic ball which contains various ore to generate the maximum amount of natural negative ion.
Average of 620 natural negative ion occurs in the air of 1CC.\


yellowcun 发表于 2013-12-6 01:45:51



xiaohai171 发表于 2013-12-6 08:11:43

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