gaomx 发表于 2013-5-16 15:35:45

原帖由 fuqing 于 2013-5-16 14:44 发表
dsd片源相比之下毕竟不是很多,而且著名艺术家的录音更少。我觉得意义不大,十分在意音响效果的除外 hifi玩的就是效果。如果听许多年以前的单声道录音,还去强调hifi本身就是一件很可笑的事情

音迷 发表于 2013-5-16 15:51:49

原帖由 gaomx 于 2013/5/15 09:54 发表
rudi的东西我就觉得挺垃圾的。但是无法阻止030 依然是无数人心里的神。别的领域可能还有客观的标准没法忽悠,hifi这种没标准的领域绝对是东西卖多贵声音就多好。只要是贵的就是好的。
ruid其实和MBL、Audio Research、Burmester、McIntosh、Dynaudio这些机器有一个特点很相似。几乎都是个性极强的机器,而且基本上找不到第二个牌子是这种声音,所以没办法,喜欢的那么那么爱不释手,不喜欢,贬的狗屁不是。

fuqing 发表于 2013-5-16 16:12:03

原帖由 gaomx 于 2013-5-16 15:35 发表

小白 发表于 2013-5-16 17:54:57

原帖由 音迷 于 2013-5-16 15:51 发表

ruid其实和MBL、Audio Research、Burmester、McIntosh、Dynaudio这些机器有一个特点很相似。几乎都是个性极强的机器,而且基本上找不到第二个牌子是这种声音,所以没办法,喜欢的那么那么爱不释手,不喜欢,贬的狗 ...


guangli 发表于 2013-5-17 09:59:00

原帖由 fuqing 于 2013-5-15 09:07 发表



小白 发表于 2013-5-17 11:18:57


palchiu 发表于 2013-5-17 16:47:05

Typing words on Google 「North Star Pulse」 when we are writing are not found links related to our request. Then we have the confidence that we are talking about a brand new product that has not yet been released and has just been sold. However, not even mentioned on the forums, a sign that has not yet been tested by anyone.

To tell the truth, with a search a little 'more in-depth on the site   find out, the page dedicated to news, which in the exhibition space of Monaco High End 2013, which took place May 9 to 12, North Star presented the beauty of 3 new digital converters and over to the new pulse, Eng. Grapple has exposed the new Excelsio and the new Supreme.

Great efforts have been made in the house then North Star which has thus renewed range of products dac. In practice, the Excelsio replaces the Usb Dac 32, the Supreme replaces Extremo. Remain for the moment still in production Essensio, plus Essensio and Fluxio.

Then we are going to test the smallest of the new triad with renewed interest in the new products of the great Italian brand, interest even more exacerbated by the fact that the holder of NS had announced new products with his personal satisfaction with the quality achieved. Knowing so many years Ing Grapple, that person is cautious and calm, it was the first time that he himself was quite warm a presentation of its new product. It 'so much curiosity, augmented by the expectation of a few weeks and the fact that not so long ago we had already tested with great satisfaction the other two converters of the same brand.

Aesthetically, the new pulse is similar in size all'Essensio, or small sizes, 30 x 17 x 7 cm. Change only the chassis of polished metal, now better finished, and the bigger screen size.

Very few of the commands available in practice only two, namely the stand-by button and input selector, which in this case are 5 inputs, or two digital coaxial and two optical and a USB. As nell'Essensio is not present the I2S input.

The outputs allow the connection in both balanced and unbalanced in. In the display, which informs us about the selected input, there is a blue LED that tells us when a signal is received in DSD format. In this regard, the frequencies are recognized to 44.1 khz and 48 khz. From the instruction manual we learn that it is possible to operate some adjustments on the PCM signal filters, settable in Lo and Hi and DSD, staring at the band - 3 db at 47, 50, 60, 70 Khz. E 'can also change the phase: 0 or 180 °.

The big news is the ability to be able to use software to DSD 352.8 to 384 khz via the usb input. More and more sites with files to DSD (Direct Stream Digital) See for example the website of Channel Classic Records which has an excellent catalog.

For the PCM instead of the bit rate can go up to a frequency of no less than 384 kHz 32-bit.

Are attached to the product, as well as the instruction manual, also a guide to the configuration of the most popular software used with Mac or Windows. For Mac users have instructions for Audirvana and Pure Music. For Windows users have the instructions on the best setting JRiver and Foobar 2000. These details should cover also the part relating to the reading of DSD data.

We connect the cables to the pulse output signal, connect the power supply, and then connect our PC with Windows 8 after inserting the CD into the computer attached to the packaging as indicated in the instructions. We note immediately that the PC retrieves the drive, install it and recognize it. We open Foobar and 「preferences」 in 「output」 retrieve the new WASAPI device for digital output (PCM-DSD Audio Interface). Perfect, everything went like clockwork.

Do not miss that choose a file, pardon a piece of music to go listen.

We compare the direct pulse with a North Star Extremo using usb interface - i2s and the rest of the system consists of Ensemble Evocco amplifier, speakers Triangle Magellan Cello, signal cables and MIT MI 350 Twin Power MIT Matrix 28 .

The impressions? Exciting. The first consideration is that we do have now made real progress for playing music and if liquid until a short time ago the gap in quality between the music played from a CD and streaming music was, for many people, still pro- reading the cd, now, thanks to the development of new technologies, or new drivers, the levels are almost reversed, and more and more people are easily able to get higher quality reproduction by means of a PC.

We do not want to overdo it with praise and superlatives but we still want to share with you that the ability of this small converter details.

We are facing an extraordinary product, which is surprising with regard to the impact, dynamics, timbre, the image of the sound stage, sense of rhythm, the ability to play complex musical moments with ease. This is due to a jitter practically absent.

Very low distortion and exciting the explosive force. We listened to a Rite of Spring with a burst absolute that has left us stunned.

Excellent items which are reproduced at a height higher than usual with good naturalness.

All this translates with the desire to raise the volume even more, and then it seems that our amplifier will be revitalized with an irrepressible energy hitherto unknown and we thought unattainable. The energy there he was, already available, just needed a more powerful source capable of detonating it in its real capacity.

All this by simply using files at 44.1 or files in high definition. When playing DSD files instead, or by applying the standard of the Super Audio CD, the performances increase even more, and then we enter the field of the absolute regardless of category.

We do not understand what was the chemistry that has allowed the achievement of these results, it is certain that we must congratulate Eng. Grapple has been able to renew its range of devices with increased quality of products. Certainly the new processors ESS Sabre ES9016 play a vital role.

The studies and research, the result of the passion and expertise of the technical staff of North Star have allowed obtaining a great achievement that brings honor to the high fidelity Italian.

And if the other two new devices Excelsio and Supreme proportionately keep these standards will be real quality standards and will be able to confirm once again the superiority of the brand North Star, as happened in 2001 when it was first introduced the Model 192 was confirmed that a real best seller. The price of Impulse is 1,350

xingsong 发表于 2013-5-17 19:05:58


palchiu 发表于 2013-5-17 19:31:36

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