音迷 发表于 2013-5-17 15:29:58

还不错的:lol 。。。。。

fuqing 发表于 2013-5-17 15:31:20


bad_dobby 发表于 2013-5-27 11:31:17


shadoow 发表于 2013-5-27 16:13:05

是国产没错 南京产的

DC999 发表于 2013-5-28 04:29:18

回复 3# 的帖子


palchiu 发表于 2013-5-28 09:07:53

shadow兄有木有试过HDMI输入SACD信号? :lol

DC999 发表于 2013-5-28 14:11:50

回复 51# 的帖子


palchiu 发表于 2013-5-28 14:14:23

回复 52# 的帖子

所以PC->HDMI->M51? :o


shadoow 发表于 2013-5-28 17:19:07



DC999 发表于 2013-5-28 19:58:32

回复 53# 的帖子


shadoow 发表于 2013-5-29 02:32:21

原帖由 DC999 于 2013-5-28 19:58 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
我是显卡HDMI—M51—平衡输出到V200—HD650,线用的都是欧亚德最便宜的入门款,还不错,另外,我买了卡达斯的平衡口和RCA口的屏蔽帽,把M51能堵的全塞上,其它口只能用塑料的防尘塞了。这是我第一套耳机系统,所以无 ...
MichaelHiFi[*]Full Member[*][*]http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=k6palmvpjsicucvcnm9ikn1404&action=dlattach;attach=7358;type=avatar[*]Posts: 336[*][*]» Gallery[*][*]http://www.audiocircle.com/Themes/default/images/www_sm.gif
Re: NAD M51 Coming my way - now what?« Reply #6 on: 18 Jul 2012, 03:18 pm »

I received my M51 5 days ago so these are early impressions with a rather limited amount of testing with the M51’s generous amount of connectivity.
Comparisons with other DACs although not directly AB’d are relevant in my mind as we’ve gone back and forth and noted the strengths and weaknesses of these DAC’s in our system. Our system consists of;
Preamp is an Allnic L3000
Amp is a pair of Joule Electra VZN100 MK III’s.
Speakers are GR-Research Super V’s.
DAC’s used are Eastern Electric Minimax
Tranquility SE
Oppo BDP-95
We have been enjoying both the EE dac and the Tranquility SE, both offering a very different perspective in music. The Tranquility we find rather, ah, Tranquil in that it seems to tame the brightness we’ve come to know in many of the popular recordings. It is smooth yet it still retrieves a good amount of detail. In an aggressive system I can see this as a good match, or, with folks who are sensitive to harshness and or upper frequencies, or are just not used to the matter of factness of some equipment, this is a great DAC IMO.
The Eastern Electric is a very different animal. It renders great space and a wider soundstage perhaps through the way it magnifies and highlights. I was able to AB this DAC against the Oppo, level matched and found that the Oppo narrowed the stage but gave us a very solid central image where the EE broadened everything. With the EE tube employed the image softened and wasn’t quite so dynamic.
The NAD has been quite something. Hang with me I’m not very good critiquing. Natural is my first impression. That’s the first adjective to describe the NAD. Now when I go back and play the Oppo it sounds harsh and overly aggressive. The Tranquility sounds slightly rolled off and the EE sounds slightly mechanical. Now I’ll back up because using different connections gives very different outlooks.
Connected through a Macbook Pro running Audiovana, USB into the NAD, I didn’t care for its character. It sounded a bit clinical and lacked the warmth and beauty we experienced through Oppo HDMI.Using the Oppo as a streamer (hard drive attached via USB) I connected through HDMI (yes HDMI) to the NAD and sent balanced out to the Allnic preamp, this so far has been by far the best connectivity in our system. Magic is happening here. Lets talk about connecting to the music. I mean emotionally connecting. This isn’t a “wow, did you hear that”, or any one trick pony, this is something that seems to have all the attributes of vinyl, only none of its negatives. (My vinyl is good, VPI Scoutmaster, Dynavector XXV MK III with Soundsmith’s best tip). The NAD seems to scrape away an amazing amount of information from the file (FLAC and WAV) and present it vividly but without an aggressiveness that is usually the sacrifice for such information retrieval. Vocals. This is where I thought I’d pack up my vinyl rig and bid farewell. I thought my system performed vocals well before the NAD arrived. Now I have to wonder why I even thought that. This is part of the connection, the way the vocalists sing with ease yet nothing is hidden or rolled off. The textures and fabric of the music is simply amazing. Drums beats which is already the best period on this system took on another level of authenticity. The 2 each servo controlled open baffle woofers, powered by some Rythmic plate amps offer bass with little to no overhang I’ve ever been able to detect and with great texture. With the NAD bass got slightly diminished in favor of texture. Now on our system, we can simply turn up the servo amps to our liking. I cannot comment on how this might effect other systems. But don’t get me wrong the bass goes deep maybe even deeper, There’s slam too. But now it’s even more delineated, more real.

Let me throw some examples out there.
B-Tribe “Suave Suave” there are some serious bass pedal notes. We are talking low octave stuff. The notes are there only now more delineated as I mentioned. It’s hard to describe. You cannot help but take notice of this. I played Dave Mason “Alone Together” a favorite of mine way back when. What struck me was that this song sounded like it did “way back when”. It was not changed, rather, it was portrayed in whole, Dave’s voice so unbelievably natural, it brought tears to my eyes. It was beautiful. It wasn’t a DAC playing, it was music playing. I thought this recording was soft and rolled off. In this instance it was dynamic yet controlled, detailed yet not at the expense of the song. You could still follow along with the pieces of the song or just take it in as the entire melody. I had to play it again. Playing Sia “Some People Have Real Problems” Beautiful Calm Driving, her voice came across so vividly yet so natural, you were simply drawn into the music. Surrounding her voice was all the texture and timber that had shown in other dacs, but not as vividly or as naturally. There just seems to be a good balance of detail and texture but without the expense of the music. The following song Lullaby, I don’t play much if at all but now I was captivated by Sia’s voice. It was so clear, so intimate, it was simply mesmerizing. The NAD was begging for bad recordings. Journey’s first album when Journey was “Journey” and Neil Schon ruled, “Of a Lifetime”. This recording took on a new life, not changed so much just more textured, greater separation and still the same excitement but not at the expense of driving you out of the room.
Next night I played some Eric Clapton, Me and Mr. Johnson. Whoa, the performance was in the room. Very dynamic here, with great separation of instruments and great timbre. Again, you became very involved in the song, toes tapping, I mean you’re swinging in the rhythm. Off to Eric’s Reptile and still, so fun to listen too. I mean simply fun. You can go from nostalgic to intimate to fun with this DAC. I spun Peter Frampton’s “Thank You Mr. Churchill” on SACD. This recording starts out very dynamic with an amazing bass line that all morning long has been playing in my head sounded awesome until the very dynamic passage kicked in. On all other setups I’ve had it was tough to listen too. Even with the NAD I had to turn it down. It is not going to fix bad or strangely recorded music.
It’s not all good. http://www.audiocircle.com/Smileys/audiocircle/icon_confused.gif
The NAD M51 has 2 buttons. Most functions are off the remote. My remote won’t communicate properly with the NAD. The unit is going back but Tim at NAD is a true gentleman, into his product, and wanting to help in any way. Audio Advisor as well is holding a unit at my request as I thought I could fix this issue. I couldn’t.
This is an early impression with a limited amount of connectivity. I have a higher quality USB cable coming my way. I’m looking for an 11 year old to help me understand how to use connect iTunes to my network library and, in general, understand iTunes libraries which IMO, suck horribly.
I believe NAD is using I2S through HDMI. There seems to be some mystery here regarding this.
I did try using the NAD as a preamp, bypassing the Allnic. I’m spoiled with the Allnic. The General is staying in the loop. The music lost its beauty. More testing is needed. After all, this is a hobby. I will get impressions from other fellow audio guys and gals too. The wife gives it a major thumbs up, and she’s REALLY PICKY. She cites vocals and connection to the music as strengths. Also noted that the aggressiveness is gone but without any sacrifice to detail. She plays music LOUDLY!! I mean it. If something is broke with the sound, you’ll hear it and she’ll tell you.

shadoow 发表于 2013-5-29 16:50:00


palchiu 发表于 2013-5-29 17:48:06

有记得有片音效卡全白的, 有人特别替它搞了HDMI I2S输出的子卡.

shadoow 发表于 2013-5-29 20:08:15



shadoow 发表于 2013-5-29 20:14:21

不是啊 老卡要设定板载输出SPDIF 然后用线连到显卡

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