smilence 发表于 2013-4-8 05:48:26

关于Bricasti M1解码器的道听途说

使用Bricasti M1解码器正好过了1个月的时间,经过一番调教,对其表现已经非常满意,大概可以打90分了。经常有人PM问询,确实关于这个解码的中文资料比较少,所以这里把资料稍微汇总下。

关于Bricasti M1的介绍和评述,可见:

关于Bricasti M1的只言片语:
有类比味的数位讯源 -- Bricasti M1解码器:

最为出名,也是将Bricasti M1带入主流HiFi领域的评测,就是美国Stereophile音响杂志的连续几篇评测:

John Marks最早在2011年8月刊的专栏给出了如下评价,”Fast, detailed, effortlessly powerful, musically revealing. Fatigue-free listening. The best digital playback I have heard. “ 意思就是快速、细节丰富、能量感强但不疲劳、音乐揭示力好。很耐听。曾听过的最好的数字音源。(这里的概念包括传统CD系统).后来John Marks在2012年3月刊,又对内置滤波器的选择做了一些补充,认为M1提供的滤波器很有用。2012年9月,JM对新添加的Minimum-phase filter(最小相位滤波)进行了补充:“"The sound of the Bricasti's M1 with the new (optional) minimum-phase filters was, in one word richer. Lots richer. It was like going from a great cabernet sauvignon to a truly great ruby port...So my personal best just got better."” 意思就是用了新的滤波器之后,声音丰润了很多,更加“香醇”了。

John Aktinson于2012年2月对Bricasti M1解码(当时是老版本,没有新滤波,也没有USB和数字前级功能)进行了严肃认真的评测。当时他是用来替换自己故障维修的Mark Levinson No.30.6(顺便介绍了Bricasti与Mark Levinson之间的一些渊源)。他用DAC202的数字输出接驳Bricasti M1和dCS Debussy解码。他认为跟DAC202比起来,Bricasti对差录音的容忍度低一些,但低频形体更大、更深、层次感更好;比起dCS Debussy,稍微暖一点点,也更透明一点点。JA最后总结说,综合起来,比起DAC202和Debussy更喜欢Bricasti M1解码器。JA也表扬了Bricasti M1的测试结果,认为是State-of-art级别的,也就是尖端水平。

从2012年起,每期的Stereophile的解码器A+榜都有Bricasti M1,现在是Bricasti M1 USB。

Hifi Plus(欧洲一线媒体): ... 20av%20Bricasti.pdf
YFS(美国非一线媒体): ... i-m1-usb-dac-review



“非常摸擬的聲音,像聽黑膠一樣輕易投入到音樂當中,「蝙蝠俠黑夜之神」混音師就係用 Bricasti 的 Digital Reverb M7 做音效,而 M1 沿用了 M7 的多個數碼濾波供用家因應不同系統及喜好而調音”
“人人口味唔同、配搭唔同,甚至聽音樂類別唔同,一部靚聲又百變的解碼,的確係幾細心。”   --是说滤波的选择

这一位似乎是职业写手,自己买了Bricasti M1,
“國仁, 資深影音評測員,在《Hi-Fi 音響》、《AV Magazine》刊登評測文章,以及於 DBC 電台節目《發燒玩家》客串主持 CAS (用電腦玩音響) 專欄。本專頁記錄玩影音趣事及市場最新焦點。"

"最近有網友在 R33 PM 問我點解買呢部解碼,最大好奇係點解唔揀 Playback Designs MPS3,我只能講 Bricasti M1 的聲音更加接近模擬感覺,所以我實在太喜歡,咬緊牙根買下來。"

“Bricasti Design M1 DAC 跟其他音響廠有點不同的是,它不會出很多機款,而只是出一個機款,之後提供不同的升級 Option,好似車咁你自己決定加乜都得,先有 USB 輸入,再來遙控 Option,我都不為所動,因為這都不是提升音質的,但今次這個電源升級,卻是立桿見影地將 M1 的音質提升了!在此先感謝極速提供新鮮滾熱辣第一手猛料既 Jacky Woo,以及食我一個飯盒就順手幫我搞埋 upgrade 既老友。整個升級詳情稍後再報道…”

"Most analog sounding digital product I've ever heard!"


"雖然不能像Chord QBD76能解到176k,但聲音一點也不差,堂音豐富,定位sharp到無倫,配完Chord Blu轉盤,再試下配部Oppo95先!"   
"Actually, I have limited experience on digital source. Anyway, compared with Chord QBD76, BriscatiDesign can be regarded one of the most neutral D/A what I hear. It can reflectthe sonic character of yr CD transport and cable!! "
"CK Hing, M1 is SUPER analog sound DAC & it will launch a upgrade power board which is the stepping stone of DSD module"

最后回到欧美主流的Audiogon、head-fi 和Computer Audiophile论坛:


这位网友在代理处听了Bricasti M1 ( 按时间来推断,也是老款 ),他认为M1在技术上是很好的, 但跟Playback MPS-5比起来, 声音太过分析, 缺乏音乐性。他觉得M1就是一个高级版的Benchmark DAC1,非常失望。他跟我还有我的朋友D喵、阿鲁卡多的听感有点差异,不排除是新老款和滤波器设置的问题,下面也有争议,不过我觉得也可以参考。



“The M1 blew the PWD MkII out of the water so easy...” “ I thought the PWD sounded very good but in comparison it sounded lean with a lot less body and with a defused soundstage. The M1 sounds real and with a very focus soundstage. You can pin point every instrument and voice in its own space. It just sounds a lot more analog and natural.”

意思就是M1的表现秒杀了他原来使用的PS Audio PWD MKII(当然价格贵了一倍多)。他认为M1的形体感和声场好很多,听起来很真实,几乎可以“看到”空间中的乐器位置。最重要的是,“模拟”的多,“自然”的多。

“What was the change in the sound? Well, the noise floor got even lower so the sound is coming out from a totally black background, there is more air and separation between instruments and voices, the bass got deeper, faster and tighter, the midrange sounds cleaner and totally natural and the high frequencies are detailed and perfectly defined. I was surprised and very happy with the change.”

这是他购买了第二台Bricasti M1,这台的数字部分配备了新款的线性电源,他认为新款的背景更黑,分离度更高,中频更干净,低频更好,高频细节更多,更加自然。。。总之是各种更好。

这位还在Head-fi发了帖,耳机系统使用的应该是STAX 009,


另一位用家非常详尽的分享:    他使用的系统是 Rudistor RP010B耳放,T1平衡驱动,JPS Aluminata顶级信号线。

“The music that emerges is completely detailed and completely alive --- totally transparent, utterly micro-detailed and micro-dynamic, liquid and smooth as can be, vibrant, palpable and more realistic than I have ever heard before.”
他评价说Bricasti M1回放的音乐像活了一样,细节很充分,流畅顺滑,比任何他听过的都要真实。

” And finally, I was hearing music from Red Book CDs that was of VASTLY higher quality than the Meridian produces. The DAC2 was left in the dust (and has already been sold).“
他认为他原先自用的Meridian 808.2i 和 Berkeley Alpha DAC2解码器被秒杀。( M1 用一台Rotel 的低端CDP做转盘)。

“It arrived here a few days later, installed itself easily, and suddenly the SQ of the M1 became even BETTER --- in fact WAY BETTER, better timbral detail, better depth and realism, better decay and ambient details, and most of all better punch and dynamics, which was the only thing a friend who had visited had said it lacked (he likes electronic rock at 100dB!).”
他评价说后来更新了滤波器之后,Bricasti M1好了很多,尤其是动态和冲击力。

“IMHO, the Bricasti M1 is the best piece of audio electronics I have ever heard. To my ears, it produces realistic SQ and deep musical enjoyment that is at least as sweet as, and in several aspects far exceeds, any analog system I've ever heard, including the vinyl rig that now sits in my closet.” “ It's like having a prime seat in Avery Fisher Hall or the WDCH every night! Absolute top recommendation!!!”
最后他总结说,Bricasti M1是他听过的最好器材,不仅声音真实可信,而且有很强的感染力,让人很享受。在多方面都超过了他听过的所有模拟系统,包括他自用的那套黑胶系统。他说拥有这台解码器,就像是每晚都在Avery Fisher Hall(纽约爱乐的大本营,林肯中心的音乐厅)和WDCH,拥有一个最好的座位。:L



xuzone 发表于 2013-9-1 14:35:32


曾经是九段 发表于 2013-9-1 18:17:10


amex 发表于 2013-9-2 00:23:55


沈阳-姜兵 发表于 2014-2-10 07:41:55


xue5525 发表于 2014-2-10 09:01:30


frankhuxf 发表于 2015-5-29 20:18:36

这个老帖来顶一下,笑兄目前用下来有没有新的感受?我最近也在选解码器,对这台机器和MSB 的 ANALOG 心里长草,不知哪位有过这两台机的对比听感,希望能得到指点。

zenzenzen 发表于 2023-12-24 05:32:52

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