davidxtb 发表于 2013-1-13 11:46:29


t1174 发表于 2013-1-13 15:56:47

LZ 訂了那個顏色?

schpeltor 发表于 2013-1-13 18:27:04

原帖由 sentence 于 2013-1-11 14:51 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
LZ做好心理准备:lol 233狮子等喵D磨就等了2个月了吧

万物生 发表于 2013-1-13 19:28:38


Enlighten 发表于 2013-1-13 19:59:29

原帖由 mjbok 于 2013-1-11 14:43 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif


mjbok 发表于 2013-1-13 22:13:12

原帖由 ttf0079 于 2013-1-13 10:24 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gifLZ你是我看到坛子里最能折腾的人之一。在用你的Acoustic Revive线,不错。 AR配800真是不错,兄弟玩得开心些

mjbok 发表于 2013-1-13 22:14:21

原帖由 t1174 于 2013-1-13 15:56 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gifLZ 訂了那個顏色? 还能选颜色的吗?以为只有一种色

mjbok 发表于 2013-1-13 22:16:05

原帖由 sentence 于 2013-1-12 23:42 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif美国转了下手,还是被海关扣下了,不过被狮子搞定了:lol这玩意估计海关也不认识,真被扣了报个万八千交点关税估计就行了,问题不大顺便透露下,今天粗听了下,和大奥对比,感觉还不错,争取春节期间出个BHSE ... 期待,期待听感毒文!

t1174 发表于 2013-1-14 01:17:19

原帖由 mjbok 于 2013-1-13 22:14 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
是的,現存的 bhse 有四個配色,銀黑灰藍。另外有兩種插配: 2x stax pro 和 1 stax pro + 1xHE90.

goodtogo 发表于 2013-1-14 14:40:41

羡慕 米人

老虎吃人了 发表于 2013-1-19 22:03:36

来个coriolan 2,hev90,bhse,Aristaeus终极PK啊

左仑 发表于 2013-1-22 01:08:25

回复 1# 的帖子


edcrfv 发表于 2013-1-26 10:59:03

:lol :lol

t1174 发表于 2013-2-1 03:01:34

Hey guy,

I just got a mail form Mr Justin that he would like to say something here. Stay turn~

Here I just try to translate the post to Eng.
原帖由 mjbok 于 2013-1-11 14:43 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
mjbok: I have just ordered the BHSE, RK50 version. Justin reply the mail said the wait should be 4 month. I hope (the BHSE) can clear the (chinese) custom smoothly.

原帖由 chestnuts 于 2013-1-11 14:45 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
chestnuts: May I know the price?

原帖由 palchiu 于 2013-1-11 14:47 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
palchiu: is it 6000 excul the shipping?

原帖由 mjbok 于 2013-1-11 14:49 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
直接是官网上的价格,$5995。 不知包不包邮
mjbok: just the same as the price on offical page, 5995. Not sure if it incul shipping.

原帖由 mjbok 于 2013-1-11 14:50 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
问了Justin要 discount,人家不给啊。:)
mjbok: I have already ask for discount, but Justin reply: No~

原帖由 sentence 于 2013-1-11 14:51 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
sentence: ("Lion" should be 蓝色狮子, http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/space-uid-133064.html) Lion's BHSE have just arrived. He had wait nearly a year.
A like-new 2nd hand BHSE should cost almost the same as new in oversea, just because the long waiting list. mjbok, should beware~:lol

原帖由 江苏狗狗 于 2013-1-11 14:51 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

江苏狗狗: Oh yeah~, wait for a year~ WOW!

原帖由 xingsong 于 2013-1-11 14:54 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
xingsong: Good (should be mean "Great"~)

原帖由 mjbok 于 2013-1-11 14:55 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

mjbok: nevermind, I can wait. I still enjoy my headphone(should be 009)yet.
       is Mr. Lion's BHSE shipped directly to China mainland? dose he have any trouble, say import tax?

原帖由 东兴耳烧 于 2013-1-11 16:02 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
:L 一年
东兴耳烧: :L ONE YEAR..(waiting)

原帖由 gerald_win 于 2013-1-11 18:18 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
gerald_win: HOHO, not bad~

原帖由 gerald_win 于 2013-1-11 18:19 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
gerald_win: Notice: the pic is form www.headamp.com.

原帖由 smilence 于 2013-1-11 18:41 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

smilence: ....4 months waiting, it is almost impossible. I think 1 year waiting is not too long for that long waiting list.
          I have a (2nd hand) silver GSX, the 1st hand owner had waited for 3 years. mjbok, you should ask justin every month after the 4-month waiting. When Justin have no excess, it will come soon.

原帖由 smilence 于 2013-1-11 18:42 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
smilence: Here I found Mr. Justin's photo. Just for a ref.

原帖由 flyinghail 于 2013-1-11 18:44 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
flyinghail: is it after 1-year waiting, the arrived machine down after two days for work? don't know what's about it now.
(should be memtion my BHSE. It is working so fine now~:kiss: )

[ 本帖最后由 t1174 于 2013-2-1 05:13 编辑 ]

t1174 发表于 2013-2-1 03:41:28

原帖由 gerald_win 于 2013-1-11 19:29 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
gerald_win: is it really Good. or just a missleading?

原帖由 gravity17 于 2013-1-11 19:32 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

gravity17: :funk: THERE YEAR……… (of waiting)

原帖由 gj2003 于 2013-1-11 19:37 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

gj2003: so great:victory:
      after the BHSE arrived, Mr. MJ (MJbok) pls let us know. And have a report with at about million word. pls~。。。:lol

原帖由 wangjianqiang69 于 2013-1-11 19:59 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
wangjianqiang69: Mr. Lion had received his BHSE, isn't he? I should visit him for a trial on BHSE as I know.

原帖由 chestnuts 于 2013-1-11 20:09 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
chestnuts: is it needed four Mullurd EL34? I think need months to collect those pair quad set.

原帖由 palchiu 于 2013-1-11 20:10 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
感觉justin想存点本, 现在出货快了也顺便买起耳机来了 :lol
palchiu: I think Justin want to save up so money. Now the shipping is faster and he can buy some headphone :lol
(I don't think so. Justin seem don't need that porfit in order to buy a headphone.)

原帖由 chestnuts 于 2013-1-11 20:21 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
chestnuts: Dwxm! Just look at it carefully (I think he mean the photo) it is just the re-product Russia Mullard.

原帖由 岳安 于 2013-1-11 23:27 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
这台好 还是 RudiStor Coriolan

岳安: is this one (BHSE) or RudiStor Coriolan better?
   Some say BHSE do driver 009 very well.

原帖由 cybmp3 于 2013-1-12 02:39 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
cybmp3: it is a Myth.......Hmmm......there is just no should a person in China.

原帖由 sentence 于 2013-1-12 23:42 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

顺便透露下,今天粗听了下,和大奥对比,感觉还不错,争取春节期间出个BHSE ...
sentence: no, Lion's BHSE was shipped to a US address and then send to china in sercet. But it is still be block by the China Custom. Infact, Lion had make it though :lol.
The Custom officer just don't know what it is. Even so just report them the mechine cost RMB10000 or so, it will be fine.
Just a cent, I have a trial on the BHSE, compair with HEV90. It sound good. Just try to get one on the Chinese New Year Holiday.
(I just don't under what Mr. sentence mean on last....do he want to order a BHSE on the Chinese New Year Holiday, or just borrow Mr. Lion's BHSE for the Holiday? Anyway, the Chinese New Year Holiday is the coming Feb.)

原帖由 Langmetal 于 2013-1-13 07:15 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
Langmetal: Just wait~, BHSE is hand build by justin himself. However, he will only clear the custom with the ture price, seem that the tax have to be paid......

原帖由 @^耳^@ 于 2013-1-13 09:58 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
@^耳^@: Admire the Patience (of you guy~)

原帖由 ttf0079 于 2013-1-13 10:24 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
在用你的Acoustic Revive线,不错。
ttf0079: Mr. mjbok, you are the one most patience in this forum. I am using your's Acoustic Revive cable, very good.

[ 本帖最后由 t1174 于 2013-2-1 05:14 编辑 ]
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查看完整版本: 打算上静电,今天下订了BHSE
