关于Grham Slee Proprius迷你后级功放
我发了个电邮询问Graham Slee关于他的迷你单声道功放Proprius的事情,结果他的回信里果然提到了Stirling 3/5a:If you like Doug Stirling's BBC LS3/5a and its beautiful sound staging you will like the Proprius. The pressure of work often prevents me from listening to music for as long as I would like but the pairing of the Proprius and 3/5a's quickly takes my mind off the pressures and draws me into the music. The bass is quite good, but swapping to the Harbeth M20 it goes much deeper. My colleagues have larger speakers and one uses a pair of Proprius for TV sound and doesn't need the subwoofer. The bass is not too much, or overblown - it is just good bass.
There is no stress to the sound - not at normal listening levels, and all the speakers tried go quiteloud. It is 25 watts rms into 8 Ohms, but it is a good solid 25 watts. Into the 4 Ohm Harbeth's it delivers over 40 watts rms - exactly the power Harbeth recommends.
[ 本帖最后由 小白 于 2012-12-23 13:36 编辑 ] http://p-mount.net84.net/proprius/rack2.jpg
http://p-mount.net84.net/proprius/1.JPG 给老头发邮件的都有吗?:lol 我也进来了
和0347的输出差不多-30W@8 40W@4
[ 本帖最后由 headfan 于 2012-12-22 12:24 编辑 ] :lol 样子挺可爱的 mark,强烈关注:D 身材
强烈关注! 这是一对单声道设计的迷你后级放大器,8欧姆负载时输出25瓦功率,4欧姆时输出45瓦。虽说是后级放大器,但它有音量旋钮,只是可以bypass——把音量电位器拧到头,就会自动bypass。因此前面图中可以看到一个外国用家在用Sugden Headmaster耳机放大器作为前级,搭配Proprius使用。
这对迷你放大器号称功率数字虽小、体积虽小,但实际驱动力不错,可以把很多书架喇叭都推得很不错,甚至特别指出低频质量很好。是否真的如此呢?待实物到手再说吧。 求果图:handshake 求白版测直推HE6/LCD2,3:$ 看图来了:) 有点意思 前排一下。召唤BEE么?:victory: 脱光了看看 进来瞅瞅,表示墙裂感兴趣。:lol