http://www.digitalconcerthall.com185美金,175场高清视频的音乐会档案,与 每年30场新增左右的Live。
画质与音质相当不错,最高在2600kbps。 这个价在国外真是挺划算的 通过这个我还是听了不少莫名其妙的当代音乐的:比方说JorgWidmann的小提琴协奏曲,:Q,网上评论“
Widmann uses soft dynamics to great effect in order to achieve a specific timbral quality in his concerto. Rather than creating a thick and hard-to-decipher wall of sound, Widmann opts instead to focus on a sparser orchestration, reserving a heavier orchestration for momentary sections that temporarily obscure the soloist in a mass of sound. Most of the piece is at a softer dynamic level that allows the audience to clearly hear the techniques Widmann uses to obtain a particular sound. Listening to the piece feels like a study of orchestration, and Widmann’s thorough use of extended techniques throughout the orchestra is both thrilling and somewhat exhausting to hear (it seems the only extended technique not used by the string section was hitting the body of their instruments!).”
另,不知道什么Flash Player音质好一点。
[ 本帖最后由 lihaoren 于 2012-12-13 20:41 编辑 ] 有种子么? 淘宝那有卖啊? 在国外这个价格真是不贵了,如果单位是人民币就好了 求种子~~大家买一套均摊费用分享:lol 是Flash Player的在线观看,190刀是一年的价格,Paypal支付即可,如果不花钱也可以注册看一些免费视频。 非常好~可以直接在sony的机器上播放~