rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-9 21:35:15

响应SM总的翻译号召:Head-Fi米豪评论各家旗舰——#30 AUDIO-TECHNICA: ATH-AD900



The ATH-AD900 was not a headphone that I ever anticipated purchasing. However, we had a demo model laying around at and I absolutely loved the way it sounded. I find that it is voiced similarly to Shure's SRH1840. At around one third the cost of the SRH1840, I consider theAD900 to be a true bargain. 我未曾预料到会购买ATH-AD900。在headphones.com上有一个演示的样品,我听后理所当然地爱上了它的声音。我觉得它的声音很像舒尔的SRH1840,并且只要其三分之一的价格,实在是实惠。
While I find that the SRH1840 is ultimately more refined sounding, the differences are not all that extreme. The AD900's sound signature offers a slightly colder sound than the SRH1840. However, both headphones excel with classical music. At its price-point, I can think of no finer headphone choice for the classical music fan. It eclipses the DT 660 with regard to sheer openness of sound. However, unlike the DT 660, it does not possess the added benefit of a closed-back design. SRH1840的声音还是更有修养一点,但差距不大。AD900的声音比SRH1840微冷,两幅耳机都很擅长古典。对古典爱好者来说,在这个价位,我想不出还有什么更好的选择。它以更开阔的声音完爆了DT660.

STRENGTHS   优势TONALITY: The tonal balance here is just slightly colder than neutral. While it exhibits a lack of bottom and warmth, it does showcase a fairly balanced midrange as well as decent treble extension. 音色:音色平衡,只是略微偏冷。虽然缺少了一些底气和温暖,但它的确展现了很平衡的中频和相当好的高频延伸。
MIDS: For the most part, the midrange presentation here is really quite flat. The upper-mids exhibit some slightly odd peaks and dips, but nothing all too alarming. I would even suggest that the upper-mids here add a bit of color to violins and violas; a coloration that I happen to enjoy. 中频:总的来说,中频还是挺平坦的。中高频存在着一些轻微的凸起和凹陷,但绝无奇怪之感。我觉得这样的中高频为小提琴和中提琴增添了一丝染色,我乐于享受这样的染色。
CLASSICAL MASTER: For under $300, I cannot think of a headphone which is truer to the sound of a real concert-hall than that of the AD900. It may not look like much, but the AD900 is a classical music wizard. 古典征服者:不到300刀,我想不出有什么耳机能有更好的厅堂感,虽然看起来不太像,但AD900实属表现古典乐的奇才。
SOUNDSTAGE: The AD900 exhibits a very open sound. The soundstage is not exceptionally well-defined, but it is really quite large and more than adequate for dense orchestral passages.声场:AD900有着非常开阔的声音。虽然声场并不是非常有轮廓,但是表现管弦乐时足够大并且有厚重感。
COMFORT: I feel that the AD900 is the most comfortable Audio-Technica model that I have ever used. It is a fairly light headphone and the velour earpads are extremely plush. The ear-cups are around the same size as the W5000 and W3000ANV. However leather earpads (such as those used in the W5000 and W3000ANV) are more conducive to heating up the head than velour earpads. 舒适度:我觉得AD900是我戴过的铁三角耳机中最舒服的。它很轻,而且丝绒耳罩很舒服。耳罩的尺寸和W5000,W3000ANV一样。但皮革的耳罩(像W5000和W3000ANV)会更热。

WEAKNESSES   弱点LACKS TRANSPARENCY: At its price, the AD900 is a front-runner with regard to transparency. However, when one takes a step back and compares it against all of the major players, it comes up short. The sound is not entirely smooth across the entire frequency spectrum. 缺乏透明度:在这个价位,AD900有着领先的透明度。但退一步说,对比主流耳机,它的弱点就暴露出来了。整个频谱都不是很光滑。
BASS: Perhaps one of the unfortunate trademarks of several classical-oriented headphones is the absence of bass impact. With regard to the bass region, the AD900 comes up short in terms of impact as well as extension. 低频:也许擅长古典的耳机的诟病之一就是缺乏低频冲击力。在低频,AD900即缺乏冲击力也缺乏延伸。
CONSTRUCTION: The AD900 has a very plain appearance. In fact, in some ways I feel that it almost resembles a toy headphone. The headband looks cheaply made; of course it incorporates the signature auto-adjust Audio-Technica headband design, which I happen to feel is really quite fragile. The earpads, as comfortable as they are, collect dust like few other headphones do. The headphone employs a one-sided cable design; some may prefer this for comfort reasons, although I always prefer a Y-split cable design because it ensures that the signal path has fewer obstacles. 设计:AD900外观朴素。事实上我觉得,AD900就是一个玩具似的耳机。耳机看起来很廉价,并且用了铁三角的自动适应头梁设计,我觉得会很脆弱。这副耳机用了单边入线设计,一些人也许觉得更舒服,但我更喜欢Y型耳机线设计,因为这确保了更少的干扰。(译者注:我去,乃不是还吐槽了DT880的Y线设计么= =,闹哪样啊???你总要挑bargain的刺么魂淡)

ON THE FENCE   中庸TREBLE: The AD900 exhibits a decently-extended treble. I find that there is some awkwardness in the area where the upper-mids transitions to treble. Ultimately however, the AD900 provides a wonderfully breathy sound. This is largely due to its treble presentation. 高频:AD有合适的高频延伸。我觉得它在中高频和高频之间有一些奇怪的地方。但无论如何,AD900的美妙的breathy声音,很大程度上是由于它的高频特色。
IMAGING: The AD900 is not the last word in instrument placement, but it is one of the best in its price bracket. I feel there's only so much one should expect from a headphone of this price. The AD900 consistently blows away my expectations.结像:AD900在乐器的定位上不是最差的,反而在其价位表现最好。AD900超乎我的预期。
AMPING: The first time I used the AD900, I listened to Metallica's Black Album using my iPod alone. To my ears, the sound was all wrong and I was very disappointed. However, a few days later, I took the headphones home for a listen and I found that the midrange really bloomed when I used tubes to power the headphone. I still do not recommend these headphones for the metal-head. :) 二房伺候:我第一次用AD900时,是直插ipod听Metallica的Black Album(金属饭啊,这米豪),这个声音就像X一样让我非常失望。几天后,我把耳机带回家细听,我发现当用电子管耳放推它时,它的中频会完全盛开!我也不推荐用它听金属乐。
DETAILED: Because of the fact that the treble presentation is quite airy, these headphones offer a fair amount of detail. However, the decay here is not supremely fast and this ultimately compromises the amount of detail which can be retrieved.细节:因为它的高频空气感不错,这耳机本可以提供不错的细节量。但是它的瞬态不快,最终在细节量上做了妥协、

FOR THE PRICE   性价比A+If you have been reading this review from beginning to end, you may notice that the ATH-AD900 is the first headphone for which I've awarded an A+ value rating. To my ears it sounds a thousand times better than their ATH-W5000 (a headphone which sells for a whole lot more). I have already reviewed two other headphones within a similar price-range, which share the ability to perform exceptionally well with classical music - the DT 660 and the K501. The DT 660 will be the one to go with if you are looking to have quite a bit of isolation; the K501 will be the one to go with if you can find it at around $200 or less. If priced the same as the AD900, I wholeheartedly recommend choosing the AD900 as it is a better-sounding headphone. 如果你仔细看这篇评价,你会发现AD900是我的处女A+。我觉得它比W5000(价格贵得离谱)好上千倍。我已经谈了2只相似价位的古典耳机——DT660和K501。如果你想要隔音,找DT660;如果你想花少于200刀,找K501。如果价格和AD900一样,我全心全意地推荐AD900,因为它的声音更好。

DESIGN: Full-Size   全尺寸?
DRIVERS: Dynamic   动圈?
IMPEDANCE: 35 Ohms   35欧?
ISOLATION: Little to None   不隔音?
AMPLIFICATION: Recommended   需要二房?
MY PREFERRED AMP: TTVJ Millett 307A   推荐二房:TTVJ Millett 307A?
SOUNDS BEST WITH: Classical   擅长古典?
CABLES USED: Stock   原线?
REVISIONS KNOWN: None known to me   无修正版?
FLAGSHIP STATUS: Never Was   非旗舰?
PRODUCTION STATUS AS OF 2012: In Production   2012在产?
COST: $270 (estimated)   估计270刀

[ 本帖最后由 rockyroad 于 2012-11-10 08:43 编辑 ]

@^耳^@ 发表于 2012-11-9 21:37:35


rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-9 22:14:32

回复 2# 的帖子


pigwave 发表于 2012-11-9 22:14:36



oldfish239 发表于 2012-11-9 23:12:20


wei~ 发表于 2012-11-9 23:51:28

没有音染? 适合古典? …………………

rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-10 00:03:10

回复 5# 的帖子


geared2play 发表于 2012-11-10 00:59:10


I took the headphones home for a listen and I found that the midrange really bloomed when I used tubes to power the headphone.

rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-10 08:41:48

回复 8# 的帖子

:L 额···理解错了···
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