hetong93 发表于 2012-11-9 13:13:13

响应SM总的翻译号召:Head-Fi米豪评论各家旗舰——#22 JH AUDIO: JH13

汇总目录帖:http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/viewthread.php?tid=198710&page=1#pid2777391Head-Fi原帖: http://www.head-fi.org/t/634201/battle-of-the-flagships-50-headphones-compared
The JH13 is the highest ranking of the thirteen in-ear-monitors on mylist. Initially, I was persuaded to not include IEMs in the ranking at all. Thereason I didn't want to include IEMs is largely because I feel they handlesound reproduction in an enormously different manner from headphones. I thoughtby including IEMs in the ranking, I would actually be shortchanging them. Thisis largely because they inherently lack the ability to utilize the outer-ear inorder to create a more natural sound presentation. It is not the fault of theIEM that it cannot do this. It would be similar for me to criticize anopen-back headphone for being unable to block out outside noise. All in allhowever, when I compare the inherent sonic character of open-back design againstthat of In-ear design, I end up with the conclusion that IEMs are inferior moreoften than not. It is no small feat for JH Audio that I've placed the JH13 at#22 in the context of my entire collection. I've placed the JH13 in front ofsome major full-size headphones. JH13是我榜单中十三个IEM(入耳监听耳塞)里排名最高的。最开始,我根本不想在我的榜单里放IEM,原因是我觉得IEM与耳机在处理声音回放上有着巨大的不同。我想把IEM放进来话,会从某种程度上看轻他们。这主要是因为IEM先天就缺少能力去利用外耳来创造更自然的声音表现。但这不是IEM的错,就像我认为开放式耳机不能有效阻隔噪音一样。不过呢,当我对比开放式设计和入耳式设计的先天声音特性时,我得到的结论是入耳式设计往往是处于劣势的。我把JH13放在榜单的第22也就说明了JH audio的牛逼,毕竟JH13已经被放到很多主流全尺寸耳机前了。
The JH13 is a custom-molded in-ear-monitor. The shell is made of hardacrylic material. Like all other custom-molded IEMs, you must have earimpressions made prior to ordering them. The JH13 employs 6 balanced armaturedrivers (2 bass, 2 mids, 2 treble - integrated into a 3-way passive crossover)in each earpiece.JH13是定制IEM,壳是由丙烯酸塑料做的,像其他定制IEM一样,你要先做个耳模给JH audio做。JH13单个耳塞有六个动铁单元(2低频,2中频,2高频-集成3分频器)。
I owned the JH16 prior to ordering the JH13. My initial impression of theJH16 was that it was too bassy for its own good. It's an impression I maintainto this day in most ways. I think the JH13 offers a superior tonal balance formost listening preferences.我在得到JH13前先有的JH16。我对JH16的最初映像是太多低频,我到现在还很当程度上这么认为的。而我听JH13这么久觉得它超级平衡。
A little side-story: In November 2011, while on JuryDuty, I was waiting outside the courthouse when I was tapped on the shoulder bya security guard. I had the JH13s in my ear and could not immediately hear whathe was saying. I thought I was going to be asked to move for loitering. When Itook my JH13s out of my ears to hear what the security guard was saying, heturned to me and said "sorry to bother you man, I saw you had the JerryHarvey logo on your earphones and I wanted to know if those were the JH13 orJH16?" I was so surprised. It's not every day that people come up to mewith questions like that. I smiled and told him that they were in fact the 13s.We then talked about music for the remainder of my break. I thought that waspretty awesome. :)小故事:2011年11月,我去做陪审团,我在法院外等着时一个保安拍了拍我肩膀。当时我戴着JH13不能听到他说话,我想我应该是被要求不要在这晃荡影响市容什么得。当我摘下耳机听到他的话是,他对我说:“抱歉打扰了,我看到你耳机上JH的logo,我想知道这是JH13还是JH16?”我被震惊了!这可不是一般能碰到的。我笑着告诉他这是JH13,之后我们又讨论会儿音乐,这简直太酷了!

TONAL BALANCE: No one else in the in-ear-marketthat I've come across gets tone quite like Jerry Harvey. Thetone of the JH13 is very neutral with just a little added bass impact. The toneis just so natural-sounding and uncolored, yet not analytical at all. Inconsideration of tone alone, the JH13 is no less impressive than the HD800 andHE-6.平衡的调音:没有人能把IEM调音做的JH一样,JH13调音非常之中性然后加了一点点低频。调音真的是中性而且没有染色,但没有到解析的程度(译者:应该指那种刀子般的剖析吧。。)从调音上讲,它不比HD800\HE6差。
TRANSPARENT: The JH13 is as transparent as I feelan IEM is able to be. This is to say, I still feel a full-size headphone hasthe ability to exceed the JH13's transparency level.透明度:我觉得JH13做到了IEM的极限。这也意味着,全尺寸大耳机还是可以超过其透明度。
MIDS: Out of a portable device such as an iPod, the mids of the JH13 sounda bit recessed. But when I use a tube amplifier, the mids gain presence andeven sound just a notch forward. The resulting tone is wonderfully smooth.中频:在ipod之类的便携设备上,JH13的中频有点不够,但我当用了胆放时,中频有了,甚至整体声音都提升了。整体的频响超级的平滑。
BASS: With excellent extension and just a little more impact than neutral,the JH13 should offer enough bass to satisfy most listening preferences.低频:有着出众的下潜和在中性上加的一点点冲击力,JH13可以满足绝大多数人的听音需求。
GENRE MASTER: The JH13 sounds good with anything -rock, jazz, classical, electronic, r&b, hip hop. It doesn't matter what youthrow at it - it's going to sound good.各种风格大湿:JH13在任何东西上都好:摇滚、爵士、古典、电音、r&b, hip hop,不管你用他听啥,他都会有好声音。
SUPER PORTABLE: Nothing even comes close to IEMs interms of portability. You can fit the JH13 inside a small shirt pocket. Trydoing that with an MDR-R10.超级便携性:没有什么能比得上IEM便携,你可以把JH13放进衬衫兜里,或者你可以个试试放个R10。。。
DETAILED: Considering that there is not muchair for the sound to travel through, the JH13 are phenomenally detailed. Theyare the most detailed sounding IEM that I have heard.
AMAZING ISOLATION: The two indisputable benefits of IEMs are theirportability and their ability to attenuate outside noise like nothing else. JHAudio claims that their IEMs attenuate up to 26 decibels of outside noise.While the ES5 clearly blocks out more sound for me, the JH13 does a phenomenaljob as well.
令人惊叹的隔音:两个毋庸置疑的IEM的好处:便携、隔音。JH audio说JH系列可以阻挡26dB的噪音。虽然我觉得ES5隔音更好,但JH13已经足够好。
IMAGING: Despite their inherently small soundstage, IEMs have theability to image very well. The JH13 has very fine imaging abilities. However,I find that the UE10's imaging ability bests the JH13's with regard toprecision.
EASY TO DRIVE: Due to their high sensitivity, most IEMs tend to beeasy to drive. However, it seems to me that Jerry Harvey's in-ear designsbenefit the more from amplification than many other manufacturers' do. While Ican easily get rewarding results from plugging the JH13 directly into aportable player, I also like to use it with my home rig. I especially enjoy theway that the JH13 sounds when paired with the TTVJ Millett 307A.
容易驱动:因其高灵敏度,绝大部分IEM驱动是很容易的。但我觉得JH IEM相比于其他厂商的IEM在良好驱动后有更大的进步。我用便携设备来推,也用台式系统来推,我特别喜欢JH13搭配我的TTVJ Millett 307A。
CABLE: I actually prefer the cable design of the UE10 Pro to thatof the JH13 because it is more resistant to tangling. However, I find that theplastic material JH Audio uses for the ear-loop reinforcement is an improvementover the material used for my UE10 cable. The JH13 cable is easily detachableand replaceable.
线材:我更喜欢UE10的线因其不容易绞到一团。但我发现JH audio在耳挂部分的塑料对于UE10有提升,他是很容易取下和替换的。
CUSTOM ARTWORK OPTION: One cool feature of custom IEMs is that manymanufacturers offer the option to customize the faceplate with artwork. My JH13is pretty plain looking when compared with many others I've seen. My JH13showcases a translucent purple shell with the words “JH Audio” in whitelettering; I know it's “Zzzzz," but I think it looks nice. :)
定制外观图片:IEM的可定制涂层外观是绝大部分定制耳机都有的。我的jh13对比其他人的可能有些朴素。我的jh13只是一个紫色半透明的壳,上面有个白色JH Audio的字样,我知道这可能没什么新意,但我觉得挺好看。。。
SERIALIZED: As any custom-molded product should be, the JH13 isserialized. Like most of the other custom-molded IEMs that I own, the JH13showcases the owner's initials next to the serial number.有序列号:像其他定制产品一样,JH13有序列号。像其他定制IEM一样,JH13上有定制者的首字母在序列号旁。

IEM'S INHERENT SHORTCOMINGS: In my opinion,full-size headphones possess the ability to sound more natural than in-earheadphones.The reason I feel this way is that much like natural acousticsound, sound waves that emanate from a full-size headphone travel through theentirety of the ear, rather than just the canal. To me, this sense of spacemakes for a more natural auditory experience. Not everyone agrees with me onthis matter, but I stand by my assertion.
IEM SOUNDSTAGE: To my ears, the soundstage presentation that IEMsportray is lacking in realism. As I've stated prior, a lot of people happen tolike it, but for me, it is not competitive with a full-size headphone'ssoundstaging ability.
SIBILANCE: The JH13 can sometimes soundsibilant, but when paired with a tube amp, this sibilance is diminished quite abit.
STORAGE: I am underwhelmed by the plastic case than ships with JHAudio's IEMs. The soft microfiber carrying pouch is not secure enough for carryingthe IEMs in my pocket. The Ultimate Ears aluminum tin is much more effectivefor instance. When commuting, I carry my JH13s in a hard-shell Westone pouch orthe Ultimate Ears tin.
存储:我并不想拿那个JH audio给的塑料盒来随身装JH的IEM。他的软的纤维小袋不够安全(译者:不是给的一个超大的硬塑料盒子吗。。。)。而UE的铝盒更好。所以我一般把JH13装在Westone的硬盒或UE的铝盒里。
RESELL VALUE: When I first joined Head-Fi, I remember someoneputting up a thread in the “For Sale” section in which they announced the saleof their custom-molded earphones. This thread turned out to be a joke.Reselling a custom-molded product was almost unheard of at the time. Todayhowever, there are many companies which offer a refitting process that makesreselling custom-molded earphones an option. Still, be prepared to take a majorhit, should you resell them.二手价值:当我刚来Head-Fi时,我看到有人在二手区卖定制IEM。这中帖子真有趣。我几乎没听过有卖定制的东西。不过在现在看来,有些公司做改模,这使IEM二手有了价值。但是当你准备二手定制IEM时,还是等着被砍吧。。

TREBLE: I find that the treble presentationof the JH13 is nearly grain-free. However, I wouldn't mind a hair moreextension and sparkle. The sound of the JH13 lacks just a pinch of airiness,but I'm really nitpicking here.高音:我觉得JH13的高音没有颗粒感。但是,如果能再亮点、延展好点会更好。JH13的声音就缺少那么一点点空气感,当然我不会在这上面出毛求疵。
COMFORT: To be honest, I have never foundcustom-molded IEMs to be as comfortable as universal fit IEMs with foam tips.But after many years of getting used to it, I've adapted to the feeling ofcustom-molded shells. I find that the hard acrylic is less comfortable than thesoft material used in Westone's and Sensaphonic's designs. Nevertheless,wearing the hard acrylic pieces inside my ears has become more livable withtime.舒适:说实话,我觉得定制IEM没非定制IEM加上海绵套舒服。但是经过多年使用,我习惯了定制IEM了。我觉得硬的丙烯酸塑料比起Westone和Sensaphonic的软模定制来说要不舒服些。尽管如此,硬的丙烯酸塑料我带着也慢慢适应了。
REFITS?: I found that I needed to getrefitted for both the JH13 and JH16. This could be perhaps because the hardacrylic shell lacks flexibility. If you're as unlucky as I was, this refittingprocess can become frustrating and (with added shipping costs) more of anexpense than you had anticipated.改模?:我需要给我的JH13和JH16改模,因为硬丙烯酸塑料没法变形。如果你和我一样不幸的话,改模会是一件令人沮丧的事,而且改模比你预料中要贵。

[ 本帖最后由 hetong93 于 2012-11-9 13:48 编辑 ]

hetong93 发表于 2012-11-9 13:13:26

When judging an IEM's price-to-performance ratio, I only compare its sound to that of other IEMs. Overall, the JH13 offers the best sound quality of all the IEMs that I've tried. If you primarily listen to music out of a portable device or are simply looking for a top-tier travel companion, then the JH13 is surely one of the best options for you. If you are simply looking for the best sound quality money can buy, then I feel that there are options in the full-size headphone market that exceed the performance of any IEM.

I have encountered quite a few audiophiles who prefer the sound of IEMs to the sound of full-size headphones. These people express the opinion that the inside-the-head sound is very agreeable to their sensibilities. For these users, IEMs like the JH13, JH16 and ES5 constitute as top-tier choices.

· DESIGN: In-Ear
· DRIVERS: Balanced Armature
· IMPEDANCE: 28 Ohms
· ISOLATION: Extreme
· AMPLIFICATION: Not Necessary but Worth Considering
· SOUNDS BEST WITH: Everything & Anything
· REVISIONS KNOWN: None known to me
· FLAGSHIP STATUS: Currently Is (along with JH16)
· PRODUCTION STATUS AS OF 2012: In Production
· COST: $1099 + Audiologist

我喜欢的二房来驱动:TTVJ Millett 307A

[ 本帖最后由 hetong93 于 2012-11-9 13:45 编辑 ]

shadowind 发表于 2012-11-9 13:23:12


紫气东来 发表于 2012-11-9 21:58:38

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