M_Furtwangler 发表于 2012-11-7 23:54:38

响应SM总的翻译号召:Head-Fi米豪评论各家旗舰——#31 Denon AH-D7000

前言:LZ只是个刚刚大二的非英语专业学生,因为是D7000用家又貌似没看到有人翻译这篇,故尝试着翻译了一点,为了贴近中文的表达方式,有很多意译,如有错误,请多多指正:$:$#31 Denon AH-D7000

For nearly five years, the AH-D7000 held the title of heavyweight champion in Denon's headphone line until it was discontinued in 2012. The AH-D7100 is Denon's newest flagship. As is the case with all of Denon's current headphones, the drivers of the D7000 were designed by Foster Electric Company, Limited. Foster is, of course, better known in the headphone world as the founder of the manufacturer Fostex. Perhaps, this is why the TH900 is strikingly similar in appearance to the AH-D7000.
近5年来,AH-D7000一直是天龙耳机产品线里面的旗舰,直到今年这个地位被新发布的AH-D7100所取代。D7000的单元和天龙所有在产的的耳机产品一样采用的是Foxter公司生产的单元,如果要用个更为熟悉的名字的话,那么就是来自著名的代工厂丰达,也许,这也就是Foster TH-900在外观上(比D7100)更加像D7000的原因吧

I owned the AH-D5000 for several years prior to purchasing the AH-D7000. At the time which I owned the D5000, it was the only closed-back headphone in my collection. I greatly admired its full tone, which oozed of rich impactful bass. However, I never found myself using this headphone all too much. Upon hearing the D7000, I parted with the D5000.

The D7000 is similar to the D5000 in several ways: the headband design; the incorporation of wood ear-cups; even the full tone. On the surface, the D7000 looks simply like a D5000 that went to a spa and walked out with a shiny complexion. However, in reality the sound signatures of the two models are quite different. The midrange presentation of the D7000 is much more forward than that of the D5000. The D7000 also has a slightly larger soundstage than the D5000.

When I compare the D7000 against other extreme high-end headphones such as the HD800, HE-6, LCD-3, T1 and SR-009, I feel it falls a bit short with regard to the naturalness of the sound. However, in its own way, the D7000 are no less enjoyable. I notice nothing in the AH-D7000's sound signature which could be described as abrasive or offensive to the ears.
当我把D7000和其他Hi-end耳机比如HD800,HE-6,LCD-3,T1以及Stax SR-009相比时,我觉得它在声音的真实性上是药弱于这些耳机的,不过在它的主场,D7000从来不会让人失望,因为没有任何一个东西在D7000的会放下会显得粗糙或者说侵略性(编着:真的吗?)

It is worth mentioning that Denon's headphone line has become one of the most commonly modified in the land of “Do-It-Yourself” practitioners. One of these DIY-ers, Markl of head-fi fame, had such pleasing results when modifying the D5000 that he subsequently ended up starting a business which specialized in the customization and modification of pre-existing headphones. This business, known as Lawton Audio, offers several modifications to Denon's pre-existing headphone line. I have yet to hear these modified headphones, so I cannot comment from experience on their quality, but a lot of people do prefer the Denon headphones once modified by Lawton Audio.
不过D7000最值得一提的是在DIY界,更换它的耳机线实在是再常见不过了(编者:变相黑D7000的原线嘛?)其中最著名的一个人,也就是Head-Fi的MarkI,对D5000做出的改磨收到的成效之好以至于他后来开了一家公司专门经营Denon耳机的定制和改磨业务,这家名字叫Lawton Audio的公司提供多种针对Denon先前耳机产品线的改磨服务。我还没听过这些Mod过的耳机所以我无法判断他们的价值,但是我知道有很多烧友会更喜欢LA改过的D7000.(编者:@无事不疯魔说的就是乃)

TONALITY: The D7000's frequency response is not flat by any means. However, the D7000 offers a tonal balance that is extremely compelling and quite musical. One word that comes to mind when I've attempted to summarize the D7000's tonality in a single word is “full-bodied." OK that's two words (hyphenated). :)

BASS: All of Denon's full-size headphones showcase a robust mid-bass response. The D7000's bass response lacks a bit of extension, but is highly impactful all the same. The bass here is significantly tighter than the D5000's, yet it features equally as much slam and superior damping.

ROCK MASTER: The D7000 is one of my favorite headphones for listening to rock music. Its tonality is both full-bodied and slightly laid back. Furthermore, the sound signature brings guitars and vocals forward in a pleasant, yet unaggressive manner.

COMFORT: The D7000 is a very comfortable headphone. The plush earpads feature a soft faux leather exterior. The headband adjusts lengthwise using indented notches. The pressure exerted by the headband is noticeably less than average. One of my friends complained that he would be concerned to make any significant head movements while wearing the D7000, in fear that the headphones may fall off his head. My head is larger than average in size and as a result I've never experienced this concern.

SOME ISOLATION: As a closed-back headphone, the Denon D7000 is able to block out more outside sound than an open-back headphone. However, the difference between the noise isolation properties of the D7000 and that of the standard open-back headphone is marginal.
隔音效果:作为一款封闭式耳机,Denon D7000比开放式耳机拥有更好的隔音效果,但是在这点上D7000只是勉强达到封闭式耳机的及格线而已(最后一句实在没看懂啊)

EASY TO DRIVE: The D7000 sounds good with any amp I try them with. It even sounds decent when plugged directly into my computer's headphone out.

LACKS TRANSPARENCY: I've gone back and forth on this issue - meaning that at times, I really felt as though the D7000 were a highly transparent headphone, but other times I found myself fully convinced that they lacked certain elements that make a headphone sound transparent. Ultimately, what I found is that the D7000 lacks a sense of openness.

NOT NEUTRAL: The D7000's tonal balance is not so far away from neutral, but it is certainly too far for me to be inclined to describe the headphone as neutral sounding.

SOUNDSTAGE: The soundstage of the D7000 is not particularly wide or tall. At its price-point, it offers one of the less impressive soundstage presentations.

IMAGING: The earpads cause the drivers to be angled slightly; angling the drivers typically leads to improved imaging. Even still, the imaging here is just not that strong. There's a bit of congestion in the sound presentation which dilutes the headphone's ability to image as well as it should.

ON THE FENCE持保留态度的地方
MIDS: At around the 1 KHz mark, the mids of the D7000 come forward, bringing vocals with them. Because of this, the D7000 is an exceptional choice for people who really enjoy added vocal presence. In my opinion, the midrange presentation of the D7000 is not faultless, but still very pleasant.
TREBLE: The D7000's treble presentation is very smooth. However, it is also slightly recessed, ultimately lacking in a hint of air and dynamics.
CABLE: The quality of the D7000's stock cable is decent. Unfortunately, it is not user-detachable. This makes installing an aftermarket cable an invasive process.
STORAGE: The Denon's hard faux-leather case features a satin interior. It is actually quite nice, even if it is not in the same playing field as other top-end models' storage cases. At its price, it ships with one of the best storage boxes I've seen.
Since the AH-D7000 model was literally just discontinued, I am not sure as to what its asking price will eventually equate to on the used market. At its retail asking price of $999.99, the D7000 was a good, if not great value. During its five year existence, the D7000 was among the best closed-back headphones on the market (in my opinion, it was the best closed-back model during the course of its run). Yet Denon's AH-D2000 and AH-D5000 (both of which were also recently discontinued) were very similar to the AH-D7000 and were a lot less expensive.
因为AH-D7000已经停产了(编者:此话当真?不是说没有停产吗?),我并不确定它在二手市场上会是怎么样的行情,按照它999.99刀的零售价,他是一个好的选择,但并不能称之为超值。过去五年,D7000几乎是市面上最好的最好的封闭式耳机(在我看来,它在它的整个生命周期中都是封闭式耳机的领跑者)。更何况Denon D200 & D5000两兄弟(也在最近停产)和D7000非常接近但是便宜了很多(编者:喂喂喂,前面说好的Quite Difference呢!)

[ 本帖最后由 M_Furtwangler 于 2012-11-8 15:58 编辑 ]

rainred 发表于 2012-11-8 00:08:38


amex 发表于 2012-11-8 00:21:33


M_Furtwangler 发表于 2012-11-8 00:22:49

回复 3# 的帖子


amex 发表于 2012-11-8 00:23:12

呵呵你妹啊:L 人家明明说直推也还不错嘛。。。

红先生 发表于 2012-11-8 00:24:00


M_Furtwangler 发表于 2012-11-8 00:26:59

回复 5# 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 M_Furtwangler 于 2012-11-8 00:28 编辑 ]

feiyunroc 发表于 2012-11-8 02:01:29


無事不瘋魔 发表于 2012-11-8 03:48:11


asakiota 发表于 2012-11-8 06:09:05


M_Furtwangler 发表于 2012-11-8 13:17:51

回复 9# 的帖子

:D 其实我觉得这篇对我来说有点颠覆

非常の萌魂 发表于 2012-11-8 14:16:00


zhaofeihenhao 发表于 2012-11-8 14:42:28


asakiota 发表于 2012-11-8 14:48:34

:L 大M你沒翻譯它的弱點啊...

qiulianglove 发表于 2012-11-8 14:49:43

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