rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-4 22:53:18

响应SM总的翻译号召:Head-Fi米豪评论各家旗舰——#16 HIFIMAN: HE-500 SM总的翻译号召帖 Head-Fi原帖
    前言:小弟我文采不佳,经验尚浅,妄自写此拙文,和前辈们风趣地道的翻译放在一起,实在有种忝列门墙之感。望大家多多见谅。      很多地方不知道如何更好的翻译,不妥之处务必请各位加以斧正,也让我学习学习,谢谢。

HifiMan'sHE-5 was my introduction to orthodynamic headphones. It was a headphone which Ihad great reverence for until the fateful day when the left driver malfunctioned. WhenI returned the headphone, I was given a replacement pair. To my dismay, thisreplacement pair also experienced the same malfunction.

是中国男人的HE5将我引入了平板耳机的坑。这副耳机曾一度让我非常敬佩,直到那命运之日(the fateful day囧),左边的单元坑爹地发生了故障。我返厂修了耳机,结果这新的单元又他喵的出了同样的故障,我去!

However,HifiMan acknowledged that there were issues regarding the HE-5 and subsequentlydiscontinued the model. Some time later, I tried their brand again - this timewith the HE-6. The HE-6 quickly became one of my favorite headphones. However,the HE-6 has significant power demands. Because of this, one really needs topurchase an amp specifically designed to power it. This can become ratherexpensive.


TheHE-500 was designed with the intention of being easier to drive than the HE-6,without sacrificing much of the sound quality. Admittedly, the two headphoneslook nearly identical. The physical design is not one that gels with my tastes.However, the HE-500 is a genuine success. It's nearly as good sounding as theHE-6, can be paired with most headphone amplifiers, and costs $600 less! What'smost compelling is that quite a number of people have voiced their preferencefor the sound quality of the HE-500 over that of the HE-6. To my ears, the HE-6is better sounding. However, the HE-500 is clearly the better value.

STRENGTHS优点MIDS: At its price,the HE-500 has the best midrange presentation that I have heard. Even if theHE-6 did not exist, the HE-500 would suffice as an extraordinarily impressiveflagship, largely because of the midrange presentation. It is an extremely flatpresentation which does not present any odd colorations.
NEUTRAL: The HE-500 offers a very neutral tonal balance. All across theboard, I do not notice any peaks that compromise the tonal balance. Whencompared directly against the HE-6, I feel that the HE-500's sound presentationlacks just a hint of air and dynamics, but many may prefer its less aggressivestyle.
中性:非常中性平衡的声音。(board是什么啊orz)没有一点妥协。和HE6比起来,我觉得HE500只是少了一些空气感和动态,但很多人可能更喜欢500的内敛(less aggressive)的风格
BASS: The bass presentation here is close to top-level. The basspresentation of the HE-6 exhibits a higher degree of tactility, but the basspresentation of the HE-500 is no less extended. Here, percussion has fine dimensionand weight without any sense of boominess; it is tight!
IMAGING: The HE-500 demonstrates remarkable imaging capabilities, even ifnot quite as impressive as the HE-6's. I feel as though the HE-6 offers aquicker decay which improves the three-dimensionality of theinstruments, but the HE-500 is very close in this regard.
TRANSPARENCY: The HE-500 has a slightly smoother,less aggressive sonic presentation than the HE-6, but consequently it lacks abit of the air and dynamics which makes the HE-6 a better sounding headphoneoverall. However, some may prefer the sound of the HE-500 for its moreforgiving nature.
DETAILED: The HE-500 may not be the most detailed headphone ever created,but they boast an articulate sound with an awesomely-refined decay.
VOCALS: I find that all the HifiMan headphones I've owned have excelled withvocal music.
GENRE MASTER: The HE-500's sonic presentation issuitable for any genre of music. In particular, I enjoy how its soundcomplements rock and jazz music.
DETACHABLE PARTS: Both the HE-500's cable and ear-padsare easily removable and replaceable. Aside from the obvious longevity factor,these removable parts make the HE-500 a great asset to re-cablers and DIYers.It ships with both velour and faux-leather earpads. I prefer both the textureand sonic enhancement of velour pads. The HE-500's stock cable will be morethan adequate for most users, but HifiMan includes extra headphone cableconnectors for DIYers who wish to construct an improved cable of their own.可换部分:HE500的线和耳罩都可以方便的更换,对换线爱好者和DIY来说更有利。500附带了天鹅绒耳罩和人造皮革耳罩,我更喜欢天鹅绒的触感和声音。500的原厂耳机线可以满足大部分用家,但男人提供了额外的耳机线连接器,为DIY者提供了改进耳机线的便利。 WEAKNESSES缺点DESIGN: I am not ahuge fan of the HifiMan design. I feel that the materials used have a cheapfeel to them. I also take issue (perhaps trivially) when an entire headphoneline has a uniform appearance aside from color and texture. The HE-6 and HE-500look identical from three feet away. Perhaps if the headphones felt as thoughthey were constructed with finer materials, I wouldn't have an issue with this.
AMPING: The HE-500 is considerably easier to drive than the HE-6. This isnot particularly hard to do as the HE-6 is among the most power-hungryheadphones ever conceived. However, the HE-500 is still not one of the easiestheadphones to drive; it requires more current than average for optimal results.驱动:尽管HE500比HE6更好驱动,不像HE6那样变态的对POWER欲求不满。但是,HE500任然不好搞。 ON THE FENCE中庸SOUNDSTAGE: The HE-500'ssoundstage presentation lacks a bit of dimensionality. However, it is stillabove average with regard to height and depth.
TREBLE: The HE-500 has a more laid-back treble presentation than theHE-6. Some may prefer this because it provides the headphone a smoother overallsound, but in my opinion it detracts from the airiness and the sense of dynamics.
COMFORT: The HE-500 is not one of the most supremely comfortableheadphones I've ever worn; the headband's grip is slightly tighter thanoptimal, but I don't find them to be uncomfortable by any means.
STORAGE: All HifiMan headphones presently ship with the hard zippercarrying case. It is protective even should it not be particularly attractive.存放:所有的hifiman耳机都带有拉链便携包,这样并不吸引人。 FOR THE PRICE性价比A+In this whole evaluation, I have only awarded a value rating of A+ fourtimes. The other three headphones for which I awarded an A+ value rating arethe Sennheiser HD600, the Audio-Technica ATH-AD900 the Beyerdynamic DT 880.However, the HE-500 has the distinction of being my favorite headphone forwhich I awarded this rating. The HE-500 is also the highest ranking headphoneon my list to have never been a flagship. At $699, it outshines every similarlypriced headphone on the market today. I recommend it without even the slightesthesitation.整个测评中,我只给了4次A+。另外3个是HD600,ATH-AD900和DT880,其中HE500位居首位。HE500同时也是非旗舰耳机中在我列表里排名最高的。在699刀的价位,它使其他现售的耳机相形见绌。我会毫不犹豫地推荐这款耳机
DESIGN: Full-Size    全尺寸耳机·
DRIVERS: PlanarMagnetic    平板振膜·
IMPEDANCE: 38 Ohms   38欧·
ISOLATION: Littleto None   几乎不隔音·
AMPLIFICATION:Requires Amp   需要二房·
MY PREFERRED AMP:Woo Audio 5 / TTVJ Millett 307a   推荐二房——Woo Audio 5 / TTVJ Millett 307a·
SOUNDS BEST WITH:Everything & Anything      适合任何音乐·
CABLES USED: Stock/ A Pure Sound V3 balanced      原线/三针平衡·
REVISIONS KNOWN:None Known to Me   无修正版本·
FLAGSHIP STATUS:Never Was   从不曾是旗舰·
PRODUCTION STATUSAS OF 2012: In Production   在产·
COST: $699(without aftermarket cable) $1099 (with aftermarket cable)   699刀(原线)/1099刀(升级线)

[ 本帖最后由 rockyroad 于 2012-11-7 00:29 编辑 ]

月光边境 发表于 2012-11-4 23:00:43


leconte 发表于 2012-11-4 23:29:57

在600刀的价位...699好伐 600的话估计A++了

rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-4 23:35:09

回复 3# 的帖子


pangguizhang 发表于 2012-11-5 00:36:04


dark132 发表于 2012-11-5 00:59:08


kk701 发表于 2012-11-5 09:26:17

he headband's grip is slightly tighter than optimal 直译为“夹头“似有不妥,他的意思好像是头梁比最舒服的状态稍微紧了点

liquidx 发表于 2012-11-5 11:15:55


江苏狗狗 发表于 2012-11-5 11:20:11

rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-5 12:14:46

回复 7# 的帖子


rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-5 12:22:30

话说各位大侠能否告诉我the HE-6 offers aquicker decay which improves the three-dimensionality of theinstruments,中的decay应该如何准确翻译?具体指的是什么感觉?

江苏狗狗 发表于 2012-11-5 12:26:56

amex 发表于 2012-11-5 12:31:02


xuzone 发表于 2012-11-5 12:34:37


asakiota 发表于 2012-11-5 12:52:05

原帖由 rockyroad 于 2012-11-5 12:22 发表
话说各位大侠能否告诉我the HE-6 offers aquicker decay which improves the three-dimensionality of theinstruments,中的decay应该如何准确翻译?具体指的是什么感觉?
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