voxel 发表于 2012-11-4 17:12:24

Head-Fi米豪评论各家旗舰——#8 AUDEZ'E: LCD-3


Along with HifiMan, Audez'e appears to be the brilliant crusader in what I call "the Orthodynamic Renaissance." Audez'e first won me over with the LCD-2. However, I became a bit unenthused as the LCD-2 model started being reworked mid-production. I never did buy the LCD-2 rev. 2, not because I wasn't interested, but because it seemed that every time I checked, there was a new revision in the design. This revision process continues into recent times. It's something I'm not a huge fan of, but I do respect Audez'e for taking the time to troubleshoot known problems and improve their products.


Then seemingly out of nowhere, Audez'e unveiled the LCD-3 at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2011. The LCD-3 introduced the new (and extremely thin) "LOTUS diaphragm," which the manufacturer claimed offered a significant refinement with regard to fidelity. The initial reviews of this headphone were overwhelmingly positive. Head-Fi's own founder Jude Mansilla, made an interesting comment that, in his opinion, the LCD-3 was among the best values at the convention.

然后很突然地,Audez'e在2011年落基山音响展上展示了全新的LCD-3。这款耳机采用了新的超薄“莲花”振膜,厂商宣称其能够提供显著超越前任的音质。LCD-3刚进入市场时获得了压倒性的正面评价,head-fi创始人Jude Mansilla发表了一个相当有趣的评论,他觉得LCD-3是世界上最有购买价值的耳机之一。

Following RMAF, many of my most trusted friends within the audio community, including Skylab and MacedonianHero, continued to praise the headphone, both proclaiming it to be the best sounding headphone they had yet heard. I was just about to pull the trigger on my own pair, when suddenly it came to forefront that many LCD-3 owners were encountering problems with their pair. Tyll of innerfidelity.com covered this debacle in extensive detail on his website. Essentially, Audez'e had a batch of defective materials in one of the early production runs and this affected the sound quality. Audez'e was able to rectify this problem rather quickly and it was shortly thereafter that I purchased my pair.


My first impression of the LCD-3 was that I had been shipped a defective pair. The main reason I assumed this to be the case was that my serial number (#2312173) appeared to be numerically-earlier than many serial numbers of pairs which had been confirmed defective. In speaking with Sankar at Audez'e, I was informed that the serial numbers of their products are given at random.


In a relatively short period of time, I have concluded that the LCD-3 is one of the best-sounding headphones on the market today. If you find that you often lean toward a dark/laid-back sound signature, the LCD-3 may be the one you've been waiting for.



KING OF DARKNESS: By "king of darkness" I do not mean to suggest that the LCD-3 is the darkest headphone in this evaluation; it certainly is far from that. What I mean to suggest is that the LCD-3 is, to my ears, the epitome of what a dark-sounding headphone should be. Its sound signature is definitely on the darker side of neutral, but it doesn't completely lose its neutrality. It also avoids smearing detail and clarity; an unfortunate byproduct of many darker-sounding headphones. For this reason, I can listen to it for hours and never shriek at the sound of bright recordings.


KING OF BASS: The LCD-3 has the deepest-extending and most natural sounding bass response I have ever heard in a headphone. It should be enough bass to please a self-proclaimed bass-head, yet not too much bass to dissuade a neutrality-seeker. I agree with Jude who expressed the opinion that the LCD-3's bass was the best of the best.


TRANSIENT RESPONSE: Like the LCD-2, the transient response here is extremely fast without harshness.


VOCALS: Even though the LCD-3 does not bring vocals extremely forward, the headphone does reveal the human voice with extraordinary depth and naturalness. Here, there is no awkward aftertaste of a nasal quality.


MIDS: I would say the upper-mids are slightly recessed here, but not in an extreme way that detracts. The tone of the LCD-3's midrange is very natural.


FORGIVING: If you like older recordings / or have a collection of poorly mastered CDs that are collecting dust, get yourself an LCD-3 (and a duster). ;)


DETAILED: One of my favorite aspects of the LCD-3's sound signature is that it is simultaneously detailed and forgiving. Not too many headphones can pull off such a feat because in theory the two attributes are opposites. However, I think this anomaly is caused by the fact that while the tonality of the headphone is on the darker side, its exceptional decay properties allow for the headphone to reveal things that most other headphones cannot.


JAZZ & ROCK MASTER: The LCD-3 is a killer headphone choice for jazz. I listened a bit to Mingus Ah Um while writing this section and I had to refrain from writing several times because the music just took over me! I also find that the LCD-3 performs extremely well with rock music.

爵士与摇滚高手:LCD-3绝对是听爵士乐的不二之选。在写这段时我正听着“Mingus Ah Um”专辑,有好几次因为音乐太抓人了,我不得不停下手里的笔。LCD-3听摇滚音乐也是超级棒的。

TRANSPARENT: Even if they aren't the most transparent headphones I've ever heard, they surely are among the three or four most transparent sounding headphones being made today.


CABLE: Not only is the cable detachable, but unlike many other headphone designs, the cable connectors are positioned on an angled so that the cables will not fall directly on your chest. The LCD-3 also uses my favorite connector sockets in the business: mini XLR sockets. Audez'e includes two high quality cables here: a single-ended and a 4-pin XLR!


DECAY: The LCD-3 offers a very natural sounding decay. I feel as though the LCD-3 has a slightly wet sonic presentation.


STORAGE: My LCD-3 pair came with a beautiful black wooden case. I believe that Audez'e is leaning towards making the Travel Case the sole option here. Either way, both boxes are of very high quality.


SERIALIZED: Audez'e generates the serial numbers at random. As a result, this may ultimately lead to some uncertainty and confusion when purchasing an LCD-3 used. However, the generous frequency response report included with every individual LCD-3 definitively specifies the manufacture date. Make sure you keep this datasheet.



NOT NEUTRAL: Neutrality-seekers should probably look elsewhere as the LCD-3 is on the darker side of neutral. While they are a great sounding pair of headphones, I don't find that they are the best match for a person who craves neutral sound.


IMAGING: I found that the headphones were not quite as good at imaging as their price tag would suggest. This could be an unfortunate side-effect of the subdued sound presentation. When using the LCD-3, I find that I am not able to discern the exact positioning of instruments as well as I as can when using the HD800 and HE-6, for instance.


TOO DARK SOMETIMES: If I want to listen to classical music, I don't reach for the LCD-3. It is a bit too dark for that, in my opinion.


THE LCD-2: In terms of overall fidelity, the LCD-2 comes very close to the LCD-3. While the price of the LCD-3 is just about double the LCD-2's, the two models are not that dissimilar in sound or appearance. However, unlike the endless HD600 / HD650 debates which never truly bring forth a unanimous victor, I do believe the LCD-3 will be seen as a near-unanimous victor over the LCD-2. It is a better headphone in every way. It just may not be better enough.



SOUNDSTAGE: The LCD-3 has a wider soundstage than the LCD-2. The LCD-3's plusher earpads put the drivers at a steeper angle than the LCD-2. This contributes to a wider soundstage presentation. However, I find the height of the soundstage to be slightly lacking.


TREBLE: Not everyone is likely to agree on the treble presentation here. The treble of the LCD-3, while rolled off, allows the headphone to be very revealing without being analytical. Even still, the headphone's sound signature suffers from being overtly mellow as a result. I would appreciate a bit more energy up on top.


COMFORT: The plush earpads here feel much better than the LCD-2 rev. 1 pads that I have used for a while. However, the actual headband design still clamps the head with a bit too much force. As a result, some may find that the earpads actually create an uncomfortable suction-like feeling. I experience this feeling if I press the earpads against my ears, but with normal wearing, I do not experience this sensation. I am able to wear the LCD-3 for an extended period without much discomfort. In spite of the fact that the earpads are made of leather, I find that I am able to wear them for an extended period without perspiring all that much.


DESIGN: OK, to be fair, I actually like the design of the LCD-3. I just want to make a small complaint: I feel that the LCD-3 looks way too similar to the LCD-2. For nearly $1000 extra, I wish it looked considerably more refined.


AMPING: The LCD-3 is not exceedingly amp-picky. That's a great thing. But in order to get them to sound great you will probably need to fork over a bit of dough. Not really a bad thing, but I thought it would be worth mentioning.



If you are in the market for a great orthodynamic headphone, the two models which will be at the forefront of your mind are the LCD-3 and the HE-6. In terms of ease of use and design, the LCD-3 is the winner. In terms of sound quality, the better choice will depend on what you are looking for. In my opinion, the LCD-3 is the better all-around headphone because it offers a slightly more transparent window to the music. Because the HE-6 is the more neutral choice, I find that it performs well in a wider variety of genres. The LCD-3 is most suitable for jazz, rock, r&b, reggae, hip hop and other popular genres. If you are a bass-lover with 2 grand to spend on headphones, the LCD-3 should be your next consideration (that is if you haven't already considered them). :)




DESIGN: Full-Size

DRIVERS: Planar Magnetic


ISOLATION: Little to None

AMPLIFICATION: Highly Recommended

MY PREFERRED AMP: TTVJ Millett 307A / Head Room Balanced Ultra Desktop Amp

SOUNDS BEST WITH: Jazz / Rock / Metal / Electronic / Reggae / Hip Hop / R&B / Pop

CABLES USED: Stock 4-Pin XLR / Stock Single-Ended / A Pure Sound V3 4-Pin XLR
所用耳机线:原厂4芯XLR平衡线,原厂单端线,pure sound v3 4芯平衡线

REVISIONS KNOWN: None known to me, but many early models encountered problems


STATUS AS OF 2012: In Production

COST: $1945 (without aftermarket cable) $2245 (with aftermarket cable)

seng683 发表于 2012-11-4 18:33:13


hjpwh 发表于 2012-11-4 20:43:14


jrkingkong 发表于 2012-11-4 22:26:09


oldfish239 发表于 2012-11-5 22:34:25


hhyytt 发表于 2012-11-5 22:47:01

表示不到13k RMB,很贵了。

hify 发表于 2012-11-5 22:49:14

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