oldfish239 发表于 2012-11-3 20:16:48

响应SM总的翻译号召:Head-Fi米豪评论各家旗舰——#12 AUDEZ'E: LCD-2 (Revision 1)


前言:今天偶尔看到SM总发的翻译号召帖,抱着好奇的心态在headfi上粗略浏览了一眼,发现原帖对 LCD-2评价甚高,顿时心情大好,于是萌生了翻译这一段的想法。由于本人已经五年没从事和英语有关的活动,仅靠玩游戏来维持英语水平(有和我一样的筒子吗),同时我本身也只是菜鸟一枚,对很多专业术语并不太懂,因此错误之处还请大家批评指正。

Pronouncedlike “odyssey," but with a “z” instead of the “ss,” Audez'e has played akey role in the resurgence of planar magnetic headphones over the past threeyears. The LCD-2 was the model which really opened the Audez'e floodgates.Audez’e,这个发音神似“奥德赛”,不过尾字母用“z”代替了“ss”的厂商在近三年平板耳机重生的趋势中起到了非常关键的作用,而LCD-2则是Audez'e冲击市场的主打产品。
TheLCD-2 has undergone a number of revisions during the course of itsproduction-run. Therefore, for clarification purposes, let me first say thatthe Revision 1 model is the only version of the
LCD-2that I have ever spent significant timewith. Quite a few people who have heard the LCD-2 in various incarnations,claim that the sound of LCD-2 has been improved since the Rev. 1. If that isthe case, then it is possible that I would raise the ranking position of theLCD-2 a spot or two.
In my 2010 review of mytop 20 headphones, the LCD-2 was myrunner-up choice, just behind the R10 bass-heavy model. At number 12, theLCD-2's noticeable difference in rank may deceive some into thinking that ithas fallen out of favor with me. This is not the case.The reason forthis is that since writing the original review in 2010, I have acquired anabundance of headphones and gear which gave way to several new front-rankinginclusions. The HE-6 and HD800 are the only two headphones on my current listto move in front of the LCD-2 from the previous list. The reason for this hasto do with improved amplification. However, the most feasible reason for theLCD-2's fall in the ranking is the LCD-3; the LCD-3 essentially does everythingthe LCD-2 can do but with a greater sense of clarity and transparency. The twomodels sound quite a bit alike and perhaps I see less reason to give the LCD-2head-time because of this.

2010年我曾发表过这样一个帖子:我心目中最优秀的20副耳机,当时我将LCD-2排在了第二位,仅次于R10重低音版。而在这个排名中LCD-2“仅”位列12名,因此可能有人会认为LCD-2已经失宠于我,不过事实并非如此。主要原因是近两年我又听过了大量耳机与设备,因此对耳机排名也进行了小幅调整。即使如此,在以前的排名中我也仅会把HE-6 和 HD800排在LCD-2前面。然而(LCD-2排名下降的)最根本原因是LCD-3的出现)。LCD-3能做到LCD-2能做的一切,而且在声音的清晰度和透明度上有了显著提升。而这两副耳机的声底又很相似,因此我决定将LCD-2的排名进行下调。STRENGTHS 优点PRINCE OF DARKNESS:The LCD-2 is a wonderful soundingheadphone. It offers a slightly darkened flavor, though in doing so, itprovides a non-fatiguing / mellow-sounding listen; all this withoutcompromising on transparency. I consider the LCD-2 to be the “prince ofdarkness."...a little inside joke for you jazz fans... :)黑暗王子:LCD-2是一副拥有美妙声音的耳机,它有着漆黑的声底,同时提供了丝滑细腻、久听不厌的声音,而且并没有以牺牲透明度为代价。我认为称之为“黑暗王子“再合适不过了。(哈哈,开个玩笑。)
TRANSPARENT:In terms of transparency alone, I may in fact favor theLCD-2 to the HE-6 and the HD800. But it is not so simple. The sound of theLCD-2 is smooth, very smooth, and as a result it lacks a bit of air up on top.Both the HE-6 and HD800 possess a bit more air in their sound signature, and asa result, exude more naturalness in certain ways. Simultaneously, both theHE-6's and the HD800's treble presentation can sometimes sound overlyaggressive, depending on the system.
MIDS:The midrangepresentation of the LCD-2 is truly one of the best I've heard - full and thickwithout excessive forwardness.
BASS:It seems that one ofthe hallmarks of Audez'e's sound is their bass. The bass here is not only fullyextended, but is of a quality that is bested only by an extremely small handfulof headphones, one of which is Audez'e's own LCD-3.
STORAGE:The wooden casewhich came with my LCD-2 Revision 1 is quite stunning. However, it is a veryfragile case, which seems to be prone to small nicks. Most recently, Audez'ehas switched to shipping all LCD-2's with the much more rugged travel case.
CABLE:The LCD-2's cable isterminated with mini XLR connectors (my favorite type of connector), which areeasy to install and unplug from the headphone. AKG too uses this type ofconnection in the K702's design. I personally wish HifiMan would switch to thisdesign, rather than their screw-in cable design which often becomes easilyunscrewed. While the quality of the LCD-2's cable appears to be above average,I still opt to use an aftermarket cable; I use the A Pure Sound V3.
线材:LCD-2的线材用迷你XLR头与耳机连接(这也是我最喜欢的连接类型),非常便于插拔。AKG K702也是如此,我衷心希望HIFIMAN使用这种设计,而不是使用螺丝来固定耳机线插头,很多时候这货自己就松了。尽管LCD-2的原厂线已经足够优秀,不过我还是建议换线使用,我自己用的是Pure SoundV3。
SERIALIZED:While each LCD-2 is individually serialized, the serialnumbers are generated at random, rather than in numerical order. Audez'egenerously includes a frequency response report of your individual pair.
序列化:每一副LCD-2都有专属序列号,而且这个序列号是随机生成的,而不像一些其他厂商是从小到大排序;而且Audez'e对每一幅耳机都提供一份频响图。WEAKNESSES 缺点LACKS DIMENSION:The sound of the LCD-2 sometimes lacks asense of airiness. When I compare the LCD-2 against other top-flight headphonessuch as the SR-009, HE90, and HD800, I often feel as though the LCD-2's soundlacks some depth and dimension.

声音缺少空间感:上文已经提到LCD-2的声音缺少空气流动的感觉。与SR-009,HE90, HD800等其他顶级耳机相比声音的深度和广度略逊。
NOT NEUTRAL:The sound of the LCD-2 is seductive, though neutralityseekers should probably consider other headphones first; the sound here is abit darker than neutral.
COMFORT:For me, the LCD-2Rev.1 is one of the least comfortable headphones in my collection; the clamp istight and the earpads are not particularly soft - a bad combination. For thisreason, I rarely find that I use the LCD-2 for long listening sessions. SomeLCD-2 owners have told me that the later revisions of the LCD-2 are animprovement with regards to comfort; others have told me that the improvementis not drastic enough.
THE LCD-3:At around half the price of the LCD-3, the LCD-2 is one ofthe best values in all of the high-end headphone market. Yet at the same time,the LCD-3 has a similar sound signature that bests the LCD-2 in everyconceivable way.
TOO MANY REVISIONS:In the time since I have acquired the Rev. 1, the LCD-2 hasundergone numerous design changes. Some of these changes involved alterationsto the sound, while others were implemented in order to improve thefunctionality and design of the headphone. Personally, it bothers me when thereare several distinct variations made of a single product, especially in such ashort period of time - less than three years.
版本太多:自从我得到Rev. 1之后,LCD-2已经历了无数次的设计更改。有些更改涉及调音,还有的涉及改善功能和更改外观。就个人而言,这实在令我烦恼-同样的一副耳机在如此短的时间改头换面无数次,事实上它仅上市三年而已。
OPEN-CELL FOAM HEADBAND:At the time that I purchased the LCD-2, it was not yetbeing built with the improved leather headband. In its original configuration,the LCD-2 Rev. 1 featured a small strip of open-cell foam glued onto the metalheadband; this is not an attractive sight to behold, nor is it particularlycomfortable. Today, the LCD-2 is sold with the leather headband exclusively.
TREBLE:Thetreble here is never harsh or abrasive, but it lacks sparkle. I once tried touse the LCD-2 as a headphone for mastering purposes, but I found that I oftenover-compensated for the recessed treble; I ended up with bright results when Idid this.
SOUNDSTAGE:The LCD-2's soundstage is fairly wide. However, it is notas well-defined as some other headphones' soundstages, including Audez'e's ownLCD-3.
AMP PICKY:The LCD-2 has the tendency to be amp-picky. However,following the boom of orthodynamic headphones (for which the LCD-2 played amajor role) many third-party manufacturers introduced amplifiers specificallydesigned to accommodate the specific needs of the LCD-2 and other orthodynamicheadphones.
The LCD-2 is one of the bestsounding sub-$1000 headphones I've heard. I do wish Audez'e would have donesome further beta testing before releasing this LCD-2, only to change andcorrect the design several times. However, throughout its course of production,the LCD-2 has remained at the forefront of high-end audio. If you arediscerning about sound, but not ultra picky about comfort, the LCD-2 is worthyour consideration.

[ 本帖最后由 oldfish239 于 2012-11-3 20:30 编辑 ]

oldfish239 发表于 2012-11-3 20:31:58

终于编辑完了,为什么实际发上去的内容和显示:L 的不一样

smilence 发表于 2012-11-3 20:42:17

如果追求完美 建议可以用代码模式辅助更改。谢谢支持!

lihaoren 发表于 2012-11-3 20:48:22

. However, it is not as well-defined as some other headphones' soundstages

hjpwh 发表于 2012-11-3 21:58:58

翻译是个辛苦活 支持一下

oldfish239 发表于 2012-11-3 22:04:26

回复 4# 的帖子


luoxing 发表于 2012-11-4 00:27:39


紫气东来 发表于 2012-11-5 11:18:13


渔歌 发表于 2012-11-5 20:36:56

为撒我朋友说LCD3换线版PK GSK+银龙线惨败。。。

rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-5 20:48:56

回复 3# 的帖子

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