abright 发表于 2012-11-3 18:10:22

响应SM总的翻译号召:Head-Fi米豪评论各家旗舰——#02 Stax SR-009



Here's where it gets somewhat complicated.I've already said just about every good thing possible about other headphones,yet there's still two left in the ranking. What can be better than"perfectly neutral" (which was a characteristic I awarded the HD800)or "most euphonic" (which I awarded the bass-heavy R10)? The answer:Transparency. Everything else is secondary to transparency. If I feel like I'mat one with the music, then everything else is secondary (i.e., whether theheadphone is completely neutral or if it offers the most euphonic characterpossible or if it has the widest soundstage etc). With the final two headphoneson my list, there is a much higher degree of transparency achieved than withall the aforementioned headphones.
The SR-009 was Stax's first flagship sincethe release of the SR-007 (Omega 2) several years ago. The SR-007 is still inproduction today. My opinion of the SR-007 is very different from that of many.Some have long revered the SR-007 as their favorite headphone, acclaiming itstransparency and neutrality. For me, while the SR-007 is an excellent soundingheadphone, it is plagued by a slight sense of dullness. There are times that Ifind the SR-007's sound to be a bit subdued and boring. It lacks air andliveliness. Aside from this, I find it to be one of the greatest headphonesever made. The SR-007 is an exceptionally detailed and transparent headphone,but the SR-009 takes it a few notches up.
The humorous side of me had always hopedthat the SR-009 would become known as the Omega 3 (fish anybody?):). The SR-009is a serious contender for the title “World's Best Headphone." It definitelyone ofthe most transparent headphonesthat I've ever heard. Albeit, the SR-009 is just a pinch brighter than neutral.Its sound possesses a bit more weight than the SR-Omega's. Of all the Staxheadphones that I've had the pleasure of hearing, the SR-009 is my favorite.
我幽默的一面经常希望009能被叫做OMEGA-3(注:ω-3脂肪酸, 鱼油里健康成分之一):)。009是世界最佳耳机最有力的竞争者。他绝对是我听过的最透明的耳机。虽然他的声音稍有点偏亮。 009有着STAX耳机前所未有的重量感,这是我想听到的。009是我最喜欢的耳机。
However, this awesomeness carries with itan extraordinarily high price tag. When one considers the included costs ofamplification and source, one is looking at 12000 USD minimum for an idealsetup. That is easily three times the amount one has to spend to get a greatsound from an LCD-3, HD800 or HE-6. It becomes very hard to recommend theSR-009 when those three headphones can get quite close to its performance-levelat a fraction of the cost. Even still, the three aforementioned headphones donot quite stand on equal footing with the SR-009; the SR-009 is clearly of ahigher caliber. Therefore, I have concluded that of all the headphones I haveheard, the SR-009 is the single best headphone currently in production at thetime that I write this review.


PRINCE OF TRANSPARENCY: Some may take aimat me for saying that the SR-009 is less transparent than the more-coloredHE90, which (spoiler alert) is my top pick for the best sounding headphone ofall time. However, I do consider the SR-009 to be the second most transparentsounding headphone I have ever heard. In fact, the SR-009 is so transparent,that while I am using it, I don't consider it second to any headphone. Itallows you to hear every nuance in the music without being overly analytical.To my ears, the SR-009 is even more transparent than Stax's highly-praisedSR-Omega.
TRANSIENT RESPONSE KING: If you haven'theard the SR-009, then you may not be entirely convinced of the significance ofa great transient response. When a speaker/headphone has a great transientresponse, music instantly becomes more real. Clarity is not only defined bytreble extension, but also by the articulation of the sound envelope. TheSR-009 has the most realistic transient response I have ever heard.
EXTREMELY NEUTRAL: I feel that the SR-009is the second most neutral headphone I have ever heard; the first being theHD800. The SR-009 is just a hair brighter than the HD800. On the other hand,the SR-009's sound signature is void of the slight harshness in the treble thatdiminishes the HD800's transparency. I have only heard the SR-009 with twoamplifiers - HeadAmp's BHSE and Aristaeus. It is very possible that when pairedwith the Woo Audio's WES, Ray Samuel Audio's A10 Thunderbolt, Eddie Current'sElectra or Cavalli's Liquid Lightning, that the headphone's sound signaturewould perhaps tilt to one's personal preference. For me, the sound of theSR-009 when paired with the BHSE is everything I could ever have hoped for andmore!
碉堡的中性:009是我听过第二最中性的耳机;第一是HD800。009比起HD800稍微有些亮。另一方面,009的声底在高频没有一丁点的毛刺(这些毛刺在HD800上使得透明度下降)。我只用过两个耳放BHSE和Aristaeus推过009.也许使用WES、THUNDERBOLT、LIQUID LIGHTNING这些耳放时,009才会达到一些人想要的效果,但是BHSE我觉得已经足够好了!比我想象得还好
AWESOME SOUNDSTAGE: The SR-009 possessesone of the most natural soundstaging abilities I have ever come across in aheadphone. In some ways, I prefer the soundstage presentation here to that ofthe HD800 (which offers a far more angled and even wider soundstage). What theSR-009 offers instead is a more evenly-blended view of the sound. While notquite as wide, the SR-009's soundstage provides a very realistic portrayal ofthe sound. The SR-009's soundstage is more forward than that of the SR-Omega,though at the same time, is quite similar.
CLARITY & DETAIL: To my ears, theSR-009 is not quite as revealing as the SR-Omega. As a matter of fact, theSR-Omega is capable of being so revealing that sometimes I even wish it wouldhold back. The SR-009 is just a hair or two less revealing. I prefer this formost listening.
清晰和细节:就我的听感而言,009没有SR-OMEGA 那么强调解析。事实上,OMEGA的解析有时有些过头,而009稍微少一点,正正好好。
MIDS: No specific region within thefrequency spectrum stands out here. This is because all the regions of thefrequency spectrum are extremely well integrated with one another! The SR-009'sentire tonal balance is a marvel. At the same time, the SR-009's midrangepresentation is not as gorgeous as the R10's. Compared to the R10's mids, theSR-009 reveals a slight absence of emotion. Nevertheless, the SR-009's midrangeresponse happens to be flatter and is further enhanced by an extremely naturaldecay.
BASS: The bass presentation heredemonstrates wonderful extension, precision, and impact. The SR-009 may not beyour ideal choice if you prefer a tilted bass response for more impact. Still,one must marvel at how tight and focused the bass of the SR-009 is.
KING OF DECAY: Four out of five audiophilesagree that listening to the SR-009 between meals does nothing for tooth decay;). However, when it comes to the quick, natural decay of the sound envelope,the SR-009 is undeniably impressive.
消散速度之王:八成烧友认为在饭间听009对龋齿没有好处(注:decay在这里指声音消散、不粘滞拖沓的特性,本义为腐烂衰退,tooth decay是龋齿,楼主的冷幽默,表示009消得太快,听得牙也“消”的快了(大概是这个意思))。009的声音毫无拖沓某令人印象深刻
TREBLE: The treble here is grain-free,wonderfully extended and airy with a hint of added presence.
AMAZING CONSTRUCTION: I don't know if Iwould call the SR-009 the most attractive headphone I've ever seen, althoughit's certainly among the most impressive, both in its appearance andsubstantiality. It looks and feels as though it was designed with the utmostattention to detail.
STORAGE: The wooden case that ships withthe SR-009 is among the best looking that I've seen. The interior features anopen-cell foam interlay which is perfectly fitted to the headphone's uniqueshape. This case is definitely a step up from both the SR-Omega's and Omega 2'sstorage cases.
SERIALIZED: In my opinion, it is always aplus when a headphone is individually serialized. At the time that I write thisreview, there are no variations of the SR-009 known to me. However, shouldvariations of this model arise in the future, the serial number may be helpfulin determining the specifications of each pair.

LACKS EUPHONY: Well you can't haveeverything in a single headphone I suppose. If I had even one criticism aboutthe sound quality of the SR-009, it would be that there is an absence ofeuphony. That is to say, I feel there is a slight absence of emotion here. TheSR-009's sonic presentation may just be on the verge of being too technicallyperfect, though I don't know that this problem can really exist.
EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE: In order to get themost out of the SR-009, you're looking to spend a minimum of 12 grand. Thisincludes the headphone, amplification and source.

AMPLIFICATION: I have not heard the SR-009paired with a less expensive amp than the two electrostatic amps that I own(both of which are pricey). Therefore, please know that the following commentis merely conjecture based on others' opinions as well as my own experiencewith Stax headphones: The SR-009 is not considered to be as difficult to driveas the SR-007. It requires less voltage swing and therefore is a bit moreamplifier-friendly. At the same time, one will probably want to spend asizeable amount on amplification in order to get the most out of the SR-009.
IMAGING: The SR-009 exhibits very goodimaging capabilities. Yet it doesn't image with quite the same pinpointaccuracy as the HD800, which costs a fraction of the price.
CABLE: The SR-009's cable is very wellconstructed. Of course, as with all the other electrostatic headphones reviewedin this evaluation, the cable is not user-detachable.


At the time which I write this review, Ifeel confident in saying that the SR-009 is the finest headphone that iscurrently in production. In some ways, I would even go as far as to suggestthat the SR-009 is the best headphone ever made; it is for me, the mosttechnically perfect of all headphones. While just a hair brighter than neutral,the SR-009 outperforms the majority of headphones in almost every way.
For me, transparency is the most importantattribute when evaluating sound reproduction. Everything else is secondarybecause when the transducer is transparent, the music is literally there withyou; when this happens, one can stop evaluating the technical excellence orflaws of the transducer.
对于我来说,透明度是我衡量声音回放最重要的考虑因素。当(?传感器(not make sense))透明时其他一切都不重要了,音乐就在那里;当声音是这样是,我们就不会再考虑一些技术岑面的问题了。
However, at its price - approximately 5,000USD - it seems silly to suggest that the SR-009 is a bargain. For about aquarter of the price, you can purchase an HE-6/EF6 combo and get fairly closeto the fidelity offered by a well-powered SR-009. On the other hand, if you areseeking technical-perfection at any cost, the SR-009 is going to be the one youwant.

DESIGN: Full-Size全尺寸耳机
DRIVERS: Electrostatic   单元:静电
ISOLATION: Little to None隔音:木有
AMPLIFICATION: Absolutely Requires Amp驱动:必须要耳放
MY PREFERRED AMP: HeadAmp Blue HawaiiSpecial Edition推荐耳放:BHSE
SOUNDS BEST WITH: Classical / Jazz/Acoustic / Rock / Electronic 音乐类型
CABLES USED: Stock 线材:原线
REVISIONS KNOWN: None known to me版本:不知道
FLAGSHIP STATUS: Currently Is在产旗舰
STATUS AS OF 2012: In Production在产
COST: $5000 (estimated)5000美元

[ 本帖最后由 abright 于 2012-11-3 18:48 编辑 ]

asakiota 发表于 2012-11-3 18:12:44


kouga001 发表于 2012-11-3 18:21:02


lihaoren 发表于 2012-11-3 18:27:22


PRINCE OF TRANSPARENCY: Some may take aimat me for saying that the SR-009 is less transparent than the more-coloredHE90, which (spoiler alert) is my top pick for the best sounding headphone ofall time. However, I do consider the SR-009 to be the second most transparentsounding headphone I have ever heard. In fact, the SR-009 is so transparent,that while I am using it, I don't consider it second to any headphone. Itallows you to hear every nuance in the music without being overly analytical.To my ears, the SR-009 is even more transparent than Stax's highly-praisedSR-Omega.

BASS: The bass presentation heredemonstrates wonderful extension, precision, and impact. The SR-009 may not beyour ideal choice if you prefer a tilted bass response for more impact. Still,one must marvel at how tight and focused the bass of the SR-009 is.


lihaoren 发表于 2012-11-3 18:31:48

Here's where it gets somewhat complicated.I've already said just about every good thing possible about other headphones,yet there's still two left in the ranking. What can be better than"perfectly neutral" (which was a characteristic I awarded the HD800)or "most euphonic" (which I awarded the bass-heavy R10)? The answer:Transparency. Everything else is secondary to transparency. If I feel like I'mat one with the music, then everything else is secondary (i.e., whether theheadphone is completely neutral or if it offers the most euphonic characterpossible or if it has the widest soundstage etc). With the final two headphoneson my list, there is a much higher degree of transparency achieved than withall the aforementioned headphones.


abright 发表于 2012-11-3 18:32:43

原帖由 lihaoren 于 2012-11-3 18:27 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif大工作量啊!挑两个小刺吧,下面两段的意思翻译反了。优点PRINCE OF TRANSPARENCY: Some may take aimat me for saying that the SR-009 is less transparent than the more-coloredHE90, which (spoiler...

lihaoren 发表于 2012-11-3 18:37:24

原帖由 abright 于 2012-11-3 18:32 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif



abright 发表于 2012-11-3 18:48:04

原帖由 lihaoren 于 2012-11-3 18:37 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

睡醒了再改吧:time: 已经改正了:victory:

davidxtb 发表于 2012-11-3 18:49:35


ramos 发表于 2012-11-3 20:50:55


sunren 发表于 2012-11-3 21:23:23


oldfish239 发表于 2012-11-3 22:08:04


13hades 发表于 2012-11-4 00:13:41

:loveliness: 用家表示已经基本没话说了

luoxing 发表于 2012-11-4 00:21:50


rockyroad 发表于 2012-11-4 19:52:25

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