ynq1990 发表于 2012-11-3 14:08:04

响应SM总的翻译号召:Head-Fi米豪评论各家旗舰——#7 HE AUDIO: Jade



#7 HE AUDIO: Jade

Prior to founding the HifiMan brand, Dr. Fang Biancreated one of the world's greatest electrostatic headphones. The headphone wasto be known simply as the Jade. The Jade and was sold under the brand name ofHE Audio. This product was short-lived, primarily due to the fact that many ofthe pairs encountered problems. In addition the public response was reallyquite mixed. Several people found that the Jade was one of the best soundingheadphones they had ever heard while others remarked that the HE Audio Jade wasthe worst sounding electrostatic headphone they'd ever encountered. In lessthan three years the production of the HE Audio Jade was shelved. I am not surehow many units of the Jade were made. Furthermore, I am uncertain as to howmany of the units made encountered problems. One thing of which I am certain isthat my pair is one of the non-defective pairs; it sounds incredible!在创建Hifiman之前,米饭老师(这里有雾,应该是Winny老师)做出了世界上最好的静电耳机之一。这款耳机被称为Jade,品牌名叫做HE AUDIO。由于这款产品出现了不少质量问题,它没存在多长时间就下市了。此外烧友对这款耳机的反映也高度不一:一些人认为这是他们听过的最好的耳机,另一些则说这是最难听的静电耳机。不到三年这耳机就下市了。我不清楚他到底产了多少副,也不知道到底有多少是有问题的。但我确信的一点是我自己的这一副是没有缺陷的,它的声音听起来实在是令人难以置信!

Some haveremarked that the Jade's design was based largely on that of the Sennheiser Orpheus.While the two headphones share several similarities, they are nowhere nearsimilar enough for the Jade not to be recognized as entirely of its own breed.有人说Jade的设计很大部分是基于大奥的。尽管这两者确实有相似之处,但没有任何一点相似到可以被认为是一副耳机。

TRANSPARENT: The Jade serves as a wonderfully transparent window intothe music. In my opinion, the Jade is the most transparent of all theheadphones which Fang has produced. This includes the HifiMan HE-6 and HE-500.

NEUTRALITY PRINCE: In my opinion, the Jade is one of the most tonallyneutral of all headphones. There is a little extra bottom, although nothing toosubstantial. The Jade is neither a warm sounding headphone nor a cold soundingheadphone.

BASS: I would describe the Jade's bass presentation as focusedand tight, with decent extension. To my ears, the bass here is extraordinarilyfocused. It doesn't overtake the sound whatsoever, but it has a substantialamount of weight. At the same time, I would describe the bass as reserved withregard to impact. While the Jade is not a bass-light headphone, it does notoffer the most impactful bass I've ever heard from a headphone.

MIDS: A headphone's midrange presentation tends to be the onesection of the audio spectrum for which I form the quickest opinion. Though thisis not always the case, a nasally or shrill sounding midrange can often make mewalk away from a headphone purchase. The Jade's midrange is very good. Whilethe Jade's midrange presentation is bested by a small handful of headphones, itis still very high up on the totem pole of the "best midscompetition." I don't have any significant criticism regarding themidrange presentation except for the fact that the upper-mids are just slightlyless flat-sounding than I would prefer; this is very subtle and ultimately itdoes not deter me from recognizing the Jade as a supremely neutral headphone.

GENRE MASTER: The Jade performs well withevery style of music. It offers enough bass for percussion-heavy music, whileit is reserved enough to accommodate intimate chamber music.

DECAY: The Jade utilizes an extremelythin diaphragm. It is in part because of this that the Jade offers anexceptionally quick and natural decay.

DETAILED: While the Jade provides nowhere near the degree ofdetail retrieval as the SR-Omega or SR-009, it still offers a very detailedsonic presentation.

COMFORT: Despite the fact that the Jade has a handmade/DIYexterior, it is quite comfortable to wear. The leather earpads are very softand the self-adjusting headband does not exert too much pressure. While theleather can sometimes make me sweat, I still find the Jade to be quite thecomfortable headphone.

TRANSIENTRESPONSE: The Jade has a very naturalsounding transient response. I especially enjoy the way it renders the attackof piano passages.

STORAGE: The wooden case which shipped with the Jade is truly alooker. It is a beautiful brown hardwood case, exhibiting very fancy latches.Conversely, the interior of the case has a bit of a makeshift quality about it.Inside the case are lightweight, movable cutouts intended to conform to theshape of the headphone. These cutouts are covered by a soft yellow sheet. Ifeel that the movable cutouts may be under-protective.

UNRELIABLE: According to a very high number of people who have heardmultiple pairs of the HE Audio Jade, there is no uniform sound signature towhich all Jade headphones subscribe. The only pair which I've heard is my own.Therefore, I cannot confirm this claim with my own ears. However, based on thefact that it is documented that several models encountered production problems,I believe this claim to be true. Consequently, it is a very difficult headphoneto recommend sight-unseen, unless you are a gambler (like me).

CONSTRUCTION: Considering that this headphone was made by hand, I mustsay its design is impressively executed. However, when I compare it againstother high-end headphones, the workmanship is slightly shoddier. I especiallynotice this with regard to the cable.

CABLE: I am unsure as to whether or not the cable is made ofhigh quality materials. However, I take two issues with the cable'sconstruction. One is that the cable is simply too stiff and rigid. The otherissue is that the cable terminates to a 4-pin plug and utilizes a Stax-style 5-pinadapter. The reason this bothers me is that the adapter included is notmanufactured by Stax, but rather it is built shoddily by hand. This handmadeadapter is an obstacle if you wish to plug the headphone into an amp which onlyaccepts official Stax brand plugs. For example, the Teflon headphone outputsockets installed in my BHSE cannot accept most third-party Stax adapters. Onthe other hand, my Aristaeus features an Amphenol headphone output socket whichis able to accept most third-party Stax-style adapters. Until I invest in anofficial Stax adapter, I can only use the Jade with my Aristaeus. Ray SamuelsAudio's A-10 Thunderbolt conveniently features a 4-pin headphone outputspecifically intended for the Jade, allowing the user to bypass all adapters. Ihave not yet heard this pairing.
线材:尽管我不确定它的线材是不是用高级材料制作的,我还是要提两点问题:第一,线材又僵又硬;第二,这个线的接头是一个4pin的插头,却用了一个漫步者家的5pin的转接头。让我困扰的地方是自带的转接头不是漫步者产的,而且可以说是手工随便做出来的。如果你想把它插进一个只能用漫步者官方插头的耳放中,这个转接头是个悲剧。另一方面,虽然我的Aristaeus有一个能使用大部分第三方制造的漫步者式转接头,但是在我弄到一个漫步者官方转接头之前我一直没法用我的Aristaeus去推Jade。RaySamuels Audio的A-10 Thunderbolt有一个4pin的输出端可以很方便的接上Jade而不用任何转接头——虽然我从没听过这对组合。

OUT OF PRODUCTION: HE Audio discontinued the Jade about three years ago. Iam uncertain as to whether or not there are parts still available. I suspectthat there may be. However, the Jade underwent at least one distinct driveralteration during the course of its production. I am not sure which of the two driversare available, or if either of them are for that matter. As far as I know, mypair has a set of the original drivers.
停产:HE AUDIO大约在3年前停产了Jade。我不确定现在是不是还买的到它的配件。我怀疑大约是没有了。Jade在产期间至少换过一次驱动单元,我不确定现在能弄到哪一个版本,还是都弄不到了。据我所知,我的这一副是老版的。(感谢六楼amex大的指正)


TREBLE: While the treble here is virtually grain-free, there aremoments where I feel that the presentation sounds awkward. It sounds as thoughthere are some odd dips in the upper treble region. It's not all thatconcerning, but I do find that it detracts slightly from the headphone'soverall sound quality.

EUPHONY: The HE Jade is more euphonicsounding to my ears than the Stax models included in this evaluation. However,it doesn't quite possess the magical prowess of the Orpheus.
耐听性:HE Jade的耐听性对我来说比这篇文章中的漫步者系列都要好,但是还是比不上大奥那魔法般的感受。

AMPING: I have only been able to pair the Jade with a single amp(the Aristaeus). I have no idea how it happens to perform when paired withother amplifiers. It goes without saying perhaps, but I will say it anyway - since the Jade requires an electrostatic amp, one must be prepared forthe added expense.
可驱动性:我只给Jade用过一台耳放(the Aristaeus),我不确定它用其他耳放表现会怎么样。我废话一句,因为Jade需要一台静电耳放,想买的人要做好多花钱的准备。



Since many have expressed criticism of this headphone, myoverwhelmingly positive review may find a few detractors. However, as I'vestated previously, it is probable that the HE Audio Jade exists in many sonicincarnations. For this reason primarily, it is very difficult for me torecommend. For the ones that HE Audio managed to get right, the Jade makes itto #7 on my list.
因为这个耳机受到了很多的批评,我的总体正面的评价或许会招致一些反对。然而,就像我之前说过的,因为HE Audio 的Jade很可能有很多缺陷(这里不太懂,大约意译了,请指正),我并不推荐它。对于那些HE Audio做出的优质品,我把Jade放在了我的排行榜的第七位。



DRIVERS: Electrostatic

ISOLATION: Little to None

AMPLIFICATION: Absolutely Requires

MY PREFERRED AMP: HeadAmp Aristaeus

SOUNDS BEST WITH: Everything & Anything

CABLES USED: Stock with Adapter

REVISIONS KNOWN: At least 1 known to me


PRODUCTION STATUS AS OF 2012: Out Of Production

COST: $1200 (estimated)


驱动方式: 静电式
隔音: 几乎不隔音
驱动要求: 必须
我推荐的耳放: HeadAmp Aristaeus
适合乐种: 所有音乐
线材: 配有转接头
存在版本: 我知道至少有两版
旗舰属性: 曾经是
到2012的在产情况: 停产
价格: 1200美元 (估计)


[ 本帖最后由 ynq1990 于 2012-11-3 20:56 编辑 ]

samingan 发表于 2012-11-3 14:35:14


samingan 发表于 2012-11-3 14:35:27


1luby1 发表于 2012-11-3 14:39:12


flyinghail 发表于 2012-11-3 15:14:05

能不把Stax翻译成漫步者么= =。。。看的我一愣一愣的,看原文才明白

amex 发表于 2012-11-3 17:45:41


palchiu 发表于 2012-11-3 17:48:12

真男人要推静电了没? 有木有小道消息? :loveliness:

[ 本帖最后由 palchiu 于 2012-11-3 17:51 编辑 ]

hify 发表于 2012-11-3 23:47:58


luoxing 发表于 2012-11-4 00:24:14


kerting 发表于 2012-11-4 10:53:02


ynq1990 发表于 2012-11-4 11:30:16

回复 10# 的帖子


x-w 发表于 2012-11-7 11:07:40


8192 发表于 2012-11-7 15:36:24

Langmetal 发表于 2012-11-8 05:57:30

回复 13# 的帖子


岳安 发表于 2013-1-20 11:52:50

呵呵 不知道在哪里看到X-W有这只耳机 看来真的是 据说这个耳机非常好
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