垃圾 发表于 2001-11-28 10:04:00

我有3万就买DENON S-1。

springson 发表于 2001-11-28 10:23:00


springson 发表于 2001-11-28 11:00:00

1:Sony CDP-XA7ES(13000-14000元)请允许我在这里放肆一下,因为我对CDP-XA7ES的用情太深。从它1997年诞生,到今天4年了,始终高居《Stereophile》CD机榜单“AA”级,丝毫不曾动摇。它的超值在Hi-Fi界早已闻名,30000元以内可以说很难找出能完全打败它的CD机,与CDP-XA7ES同处《Stereophile》CD机AA级榜单的尽是售价4000美元以上的机器,CDP-XA7ES美国定价:$3000美元。它是Sony高级唱机声音最典型的代表,透明,严肃,真实(中性色彩很浓)体现出一种大气。我向想购买高级CD唱机的朋友强烈强烈推荐这部CD机。
2:DENON DCD-S10III(12000元)天龙声音一贯的特点(阳刚之气)声音明快华丽,全频都有一种玲珑的浮突感。
3:雅骏 FMJ-CD23(11000元)声音层次分明,甜美舒缓,给人以温馨细腻的听感。
4:TEAC 25XN(11000元)声音给人干净很实在的感觉,但低频略缺少点弹性,结象力极佳,声音总的属于阳刚型。
5:CARY CD306(15000元)仍然保留了CARY CD303音质的特点,但它再现的声音更有活力,其重现声音的信息量和丰富的细节明显超过了CARY CD303。
6:ACCUPHASE DP65V它的声音质朴,拥有金嗓子一贯的严肃和忠实的特点。初听会使人觉得它的声音很平凡,但接触它越是深,就越是会被它的声音深深打动。<P>今天看了看精华区的帖子,发现BBQ的这个推荐,不知道大家对Sony CDP-XA7ES怎么看?

谷雨 发表于 2001-11-28 02:35:00


南开米饭 发表于 2001-11-28 02:51:00


天神天 发表于 2001-11-29 10:09:00


peng 发表于 2001-11-29 01:20:00


springson 发表于 2001-11-29 04:37:00

香港能买到吗? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="宋体">引用:</font><HR>发起人 天神天:

john1 发表于 2001-12-1 12:39:00


springson 发表于 2001-12-1 05:34:00

Sony SCD-777ES SACD Player <P>by Tom Jung<P>Sony has been shipping the SCD-1 for several months now and the reaction from users and the press has been consistently positive. Shortly after the release of the SCD-1, a lower-cost SCD-777ES player hit the streets. The basic differences are that the 777ES is black instead of silver, does not have balanced outputs and costs $3,500 ($1,500 less than the SCD-1).<P>Product Points

Studio; audiophile; listening environments<P>Key Features:<P>Plays single or dual layer DSD or dual layer hybrid discs; unbalanced outputs<P>Price:<P>$3,500<P>Contact: <P>Sony at 800-635-7669.<P>
Plus<P>ð Great sound (SACD playback)<P>ð Rock-solid transport and construction<P>Minus<P>ð Slow CD loading<P>The Score<P>The SACD-777ES offers an incredible listening experience.

Supporters of the other format have been quick to criticize the cost of the $5,000 SCD-1 player, not realizing that high-end CD players, or even transports, can cost much more. Sony decided to introduce SACD with the best player it could build, which I believe was a good call. <P>Ed Foster does a great in-depth technical analyses of the SCD-777 and finds it measures the same as the SCD-1 (see bench test, beginning on page 54). Both players rank as probably the best CD machines built to date and come with the additional benefit of being able to play SACD. <P>I have been writing a fair amount about DSD in these pages over the past couple of years, and it is actually possible to listen to pure DSD recordings with these new SACD players. Sony decided to start with stereo units, hoping to appeal to the audiophile community (âphiles are not into surround). This was also a good call because the introduction of a new digital format along with multichannel could only add to the confusion, and both SACD and surround have the ability to add space, realism and a much-improved listening experience over the current stereo CD. <P>Features<P>The SACD Scarlet Book spec has three disc options: single-layer DSD, dual-layer DSD or dual-layer hybrid with a Red Book layer (16 bit/44.1 kHz) that Sony claims can be played on any of the 700 million players out there as well as the high-density layer that can deliver eight channels of pure DSD. Philips developed a lossless coding system called Direct Stream Transfer (DST) that makes it possible to author six full-range channels (for surround) in addition to a dedicated stereo mix of the same program (not to be confused with the automatic fold-down mix from the other guys), all on the same high-density layer. To do this the data is packed (not to be confused with lossy compression like Dolby Digital or DTS) so that bit-for-bit recovery can be achieved during playback. Both of the new Sony players are DST-equipped so future DST-authored software can be played without any problems. At this point, it is not necessary to implement DST for stereo since the 4.7 GB high-density layer has plenty of space for any two-channel program.<P>
In use<P>The setup consisted of the unbalanced outputs of each player connected to an Ayre Acoustics K-1 high-end preamplifier with Meitner solid conductor RCA-to-RCA interconnect cables. The K-1 balanced outputs were connected to a pair of JBL LSR28P powered monitors this time with XLR to XLR balanced Meitner cable. <P>Last year I did a DSD recording of the Stockholm JazzOrchestra, which is a big band playing Tango music with very meticulous orchestrations. This music will more often than not bring a playback system to its knees, with the complex interaction between brass and woodwinds. I placed a hybrid SACD of this project in each machine and set it first to play the CD layer with the variable coefficient digital filter set to the standard position on each machine (see Ed Fosterâs description of the filter settings in his bench test).<P>The SCD-1 sounded more focused, more transparent but with slightly more edge. The SCD-777 sounded smoother and fuller but lacked the detail of the SCD-1. Brass is very telling because of the upper harmonics. The added detail of the SCD-1 almost made the trumpets sound harsh while the 777 sort of rounded off the rough edges at the expense of losing transparency and detail ÷ no free lunch here, this is PCM warts and all.<P>Switching over to the SACD mode is just what the doctor ordered, especially with this type of music. The first thing you notice is how much more enjoyable it is to listen to music without any glare or harshness. My wife says itâs more ear-friendly and Karma and I agree.<P>The next thing you hear is an added dimension of depth, front to back, almost like two-channel surround if you will. The same characteristics hold true in the SACD mode as in the CD mode. The SCD-1 is more focused but this time it does not get edgy or harsh. My take on this is, in the CD mode, the complex harmonics Iâve mentioned earlier are corrupted due to phase shift and group delay caused by the brick-wall filter. With SACD there is approximately four times more data representing the music and no brick-wall filter.<P>Summary<P>Before I get carried away here I have to say that for CD playback either player does a great job, better, in fact, than most CD players out there. But when you switch over to SACD the sound is so compelling it makes you want to just listen to the music ÷ the technology disappears. <P>This is not the first time I have experienced two pieces of equipment measuring the same and sounding different. The human ear is a very complex instrument in itself. It has the ability to find differences that even the finest test equipment can fail to spot. When you add the bonus of SACD to the overall quality of these players, even at these price-points it spells good value.<P>Tom Jung, founder of DMP Records, is Pro Audio Reviewâs technical consultant and a regular contributor.

john1 发表于 2001-12-1 06:08:00


john1 发表于 2001-12-1 06:10:00


小白 发表于 2001-12-1 06:11:00


john1 发表于 2001-12-2 01:25:00


谷雨 发表于 2001-12-2 09:17:00

777ES,TEAC50,CARY306,老14,MF A3,CARY303,16,971,(按价格排列)。
页: 1 [2] 3
