坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-4 01:54:51




1:SONY NWZ-A845(5星)

In the end, it's the music that matters (说到底,音质是最重要的。 )

However, we reckon the vast majority of buyers will be prioritising music, and in this area the nano just edges it.(无论如何,大部分消费者肯定是冲着音质去的,这个领域,nano占据优势。(似乎把nano当成A845的假想敌了))

It quickly becomes apparent the headphones are actually a bit of a disappointment, but swap them for a more accomplished pair and the Walkman initially impresses.(我们很快发现配机耳塞表现令人失望,但更换合适的耳塞后,这部随身听的音质还是给人印象深刻的。)

Play Band of Horses' brilliant Compliments, and although it's clear that the balance isn't exactly neutral, the amount of bass weight and depth is mighty impressive, while the forward-sounding treble manages to just about avoid brightness.(播放XXX歌曲,尽管音质清晰,但并不准确、自然,低频的量感和下潜都加强了,声音靠前,高音仅仅是避免了过分明亮)

What this Sony lacks is just a bit of its great rival's insight and dynamic subtlety.(SONY相比它的对手Apple,缺乏的是一点解析力和一些动态细节)

Play The Far Road from Nick Cave's soundtrack to The Road, and the subtleties of the piano and violins are lost, leading to a slightly flat delivery.(播放XXX歌曲,钢琴和提琴的细节丢失,造成一种平淡的演绎)

So, although the Sony's in many ways a more successful video player than the Apple, music-wise it's clearly weaker, and sound quality has to be our priority with ultra-portables such as these.(所以,尽管索尼这款机器在视频播放上比Apple成功,但从音乐播放器的角度来说,明显偏弱,而音质恰恰是我们考虑这个级别播放器时的首要因素)

2:创新 zen style M100 4星
The earphones steer admirably away from brightness – to the extent that, in fact, they can sound a touch woolly.(配机耳塞明显把机器的声音风格改变,偏离了明亮的感觉,听起来有点混)

The M100 itself could sound cleaner across the tonal spectrum but there’s admirable thud and weight, and decent insight. It’s worthy of a spot on your shortlist.(没有原配耳机的话,M100本身的音质倒是全频通透干净的,低频的冲击力和量感都令人赞赏,还有不错的解析力。它值得购买。)

3:SanDisk Sansa Clip+ 5星
There’s support for the key AAC, MP3 and WAV formats, a voice recorder and an FM tuner, while our 8GB model will deliver 18-hours of battery life.(机器支持AAC/MP3/WAV三种格式,还有录音机和FM收音功能,8G版本一次充电可以支持18小时)

And it sounds good, too. We’d replace the free earphones; then you’ll enjoy a sound that’s lively and detailed.(音质也不错。更换配机耳塞,你就会获得充满活力与细节的音质。)

[ 本帖最后由 坏袋鼠 于 2012-6-4 16:59 编辑 ]

qianqian 发表于 2012-6-4 04:49:36


坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-4 16:52:55

回复 2# 的帖子


坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-4 16:54:16

4:Cowon iAudio E2 3星

The bundled headphones look smart but sound so-so. Switch to a better pair and still songs lack detail and authority. So, this is a smart-looking unit, but fiddly controls and an average sound let it down, even at this price.(配机耳塞看起来挺炫,听上去很一般。即便换上更好的耳机,声音依然缺少细节和失真。所以,这是一款样子货,混乱的操作和寻常的音质给它拉分,即便它的价格不贵,也不推荐。)

5:Cowon iAudio 9 3星

Sonically, there's not the dynamic sparkle of the best portable media players and tunes can sound a little cluttered when pushed, too.(音质上,相比最好的视频播放器,显得动态乏力,音量键在按动时还会导致耳机里听见噼啪声)

The Cowon is by no means a bad player, but why buy one? Unless you're strictly limited to 100 or have an Apple-aversion, you can do better.(这台播放器是一台十足的烂机,不过为什么买它呢?除非你只有100英镑,或者很讨厌苹果,不然用相似的价格买苹果,你会得到更好的体验)

注:the cowon is by no means a bad player 这句似乎应该翻成这台机器决不是一台烂机,但综合上下文我觉得作者的原意其实如上文所译)

6:Philips GoGear Muse 4星

Playing Massive Attack's Paradise Circus, there's much depth and punch, while vocals display texture and solidity.(播放XXX歌曲,下潜和力度都不错,人声有质感,坚实)

However, it doesn't quite match the best for detail. As for the bundled noise-cancelling earphones, we're not convinced sonically or in terms of reducing unwanted sound.(但是,它也不是每个细节都做得很好的,比如配机的消噪耳塞,音质不咋地,而且也隔绝不了什么噪音。)

hjpwh 发表于 2012-6-4 22:08:08


ev2638914 发表于 2012-6-4 22:16:51


冰爽之夏 发表于 2012-6-4 22:40:38


坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-6 14:25:59

原帖由 ev2638914 于 2012-6-4 22:16 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif


坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-6 14:27:19

7、Hisound(汉声) PDAA-1 3星

The supplied earphones are decent and sonically there's good detail and insight, though a hint of hiss at times.(配机耳塞音质不错,细节和解析都蛮好,只是偶尔会听到底噪)
Foals' Total Life Forever is a tricky track to deal with and, although it gives it a good go, the HiSound does toughen up a little at the top end.(尽管XX歌是很难对付的,汉声还是把它播放地像那么回事,这款机器的高频有点硬,有点紧)
There is, though, plenty of excitement and only a little space and scale is missing. Bass lines lack a little oomph but they're agile and light on their feet.(尽管如此,音质上还是带个人不少惊喜,尽管声场的规模有一些丢失。低频缺少活力和热情,但是轻快活泼)
It's a capable player but doesn't quite make it to the top of the audio tree: better sound, along with features, style and ease of use, is available elsewhere, leaving this product a little lost.(这是一款有潜力的播放器,但音质还没有到顶级:可供改进的地方包括:更好的音质,更鲜明的造型和功能特色,更加易用)

8、Creative Zen X-FI2 3星

However, while the supplied headphones deliver decent weight and force, the cloudy presentation subdues any sonic sparkle, even after upgrading to a better set of in-ears.(但是,尽管配机耳塞表现不错,能量感充沛,但机器本身模糊的音质削减了耳机的任何音质优势,即使更换更好的耳机也无济于事)

9、Sony Walkman NWZ-W262 4星

The in-ear buds burrow in a little more than normal but they sit securely and comfortably. You’ll get eight hours of playback – not great compared to some – but recharge is quick, delivering an hour from a three-minute refuel.(这款MP3的入耳耳罩插入得有点深,但在耳道里固定得很好,佩戴也很舒服。续航时间有8小时,并不太久,但充电也非常地快,3分钟速冲可以确保1小时的使用)

The Sony NWZ-W262s sound good, too. They give music plenty of room to breathe and are capable of bass weight and treble clarity, only falling a little short in terms of absolute detail.(W262S的音质也不错,它带给音乐很多呼吸的空间(BTW,我实在不知道这是啥感觉,是声场好?还是人声贴耳?),低频的量感和高频的透明度都不错,唯一的缺点是细节上有点少。)
10、SanDisk Sansa Clip Zip 4GB 3星

So-so sound(一般化的声音)

Still, colour menus are eye-catching, the interface is simple enough and there’s an FM radio, voice recorder and a microSD card slot for expanding the 4GB memory.(尽管如此,彩色菜单看起来还蛮养眼的,操作界面也足够简单,还有FM收音机、录音机、TF卡扩展等功能)

Ditching the supplied headphones, we’re surprised the volume doesn’t go very loud. Loud enough, but only just.(更换掉原配耳机,我们惊讶地发现这款MP3的音量不是非常大,刚刚能听清而已——我估计是测试者开启了听了保护,要么就是这款MP3的推力实在太小了,只能推得动原配那种低阻高敏小耳塞)

Sonically it’s so-so, not quite sharing the detail and refinement of its sibling or indeed others here. Vocals don’t sound as intimate, drums don’t hit with the same power.Our gripes with this product add up and leave us looking elsewhere.(音质上很一般,和Sansa公司其它细节丰富、听感良好的产品相比,Clip Zip没有继承这些有点,人声没有亲切感,鼓点无力,我们很不推荐这款产品,建议考虑其他选择)

[ 本帖最后由 坏袋鼠 于 2012-6-6 14:32 编辑 ]

坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-6 14:34:58

11、Sony NWS-S544 4星

An exciting, energetic listen(令人振奋、充满活力的音质)

Through the headphones, the Sony reveals itself to be an exciting and energetic listen. Dance music, hip-hop, rock and pop are all presented in an entertaining manner, and the player shows itself to be detailed and have a good sense of timing.(使用原配耳机,这款机器能提供令人振奋、充满活力的声音,舞曲、屁股跳跳歌,摇滚和流行都有令人愉悦地表现,声音细节做得也很不错,节奏感很好)
Refinement and dynamic subtlety aren't especially high on the Sony's list of priorities, but they're not completely ignored.(声音的精致与动态细节的呈现并不是Sony最关心的,但这些方面Sony做得也算合格,虽不是最好)

12、Sony NWZ-X1050 4星

Impressive sound quality(令人印象深刻的声音品质)

The most impressive thing about the NWZ-X1050 is the sound quality.(1050给人印象最深刻的就是它的音质实在太赞了)In fact, it sonically outperforms the iPod Touch: there's greater punch and solidity, helped in no small part by the tight but powerful bass.(事实上,在音质方面,它超过了IPOD TOUCH(哈哈,才和IPT比,Sony哭了),声音极富冲击力,也非常结实,紧凑有力的低频无懈可击)

Listening to Wyclef Jean's ‘911' in WAV format, the Sony gives vocals space to breathe while still delivering punch and immediacy, plus plenty of detail.(用WAV格式听XX歌,XK的人声表现极富呼吸感,但同时低频与瞬态也非常棒,还有足够多的细节呈现。)

Something a little harder on the ears, in the form of Maximo Park's ‘Wraithlike' from the new album, is dealt with comfortably, given plenty of attack and aggression without losing control. All the usual file formats are playable, except Apple Lossless of course.(对于一些硬朗的歌曲,如XXX新专辑里的XXX歌,XK把它们处理得很舒服,既表现出足够的冲击力和侵略性,又不失声音的控制力。所有常用的音频格式都支持,甚至连Apple Lossless格式也支持)

13、Philips GoGear Spark 3星

There's an impressive amount of bass weight on offer and detail levels are amiable, but refinement and subtlety aren't especially high on the agenda.(低频的量感给人印象深刻,声音的细节也还行,但相比同级别的产品,声音的细腻度还是不够高——这句我不太会翻译)

14、SanDisk Sansa Fuze 4星

With a 320kbps version of Portishead's Sour Times, vocals are detailed and intimate, while dynamics are okay: the drums sound a touch soft and rounded-off rather than packing the punch and weight we'd like. Change the supplied headphones, and the player opens up, delivering a crisper, more precise sound.(使用320码率的歌曲,人声细腻、亲切,动态也还行,鼓声有一点软,有一点肥,而不是紧实、有力的低频。换掉配机耳塞,播放器的音质得到改善,可以获得一种更清晰、更精确的声音。)

15、SanDisk Sansa Fuze+ 4星

And that’s a shame as sonically, this is more than competent. It’s compatible with all the key formats, and music sounds nicely balanced, avoiding bright treble or flabby bass, and revealing good detail.(操控的不佳和其音质的优异完全不搭,这款机器兼容各种主流音乐格式,音质完美平衡,避免了过量的高频或肥软的低频,并很好地揭示出细节。)

坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-6 14:37:26

16、SONY NWZ-B135 3星

Overall, music sounds detailed enough but it requires greater zip and vibrancy.(总体说来,声音的细节足够,但缺乏活力)

17、SanDisk Sansa Clip 4星

Unlike some weaker players, high frequencies don't sound too shrill and tinny, but we'd like greater overall detail and definition.(Clip的高音不像这个价位很多烂机,它听起来既不刺耳,也不紧绷,但我们希望整体上能有更多些细节和更好的解析力。)

18、Samsung YP-P3 4星

It's really not as exciting as Samsung would have you believe, but it's also unlikely to offend. If you do feel the need to turn it off, it's worth noting that the option is (rather bizarrely) hidden away in the player's sound menu.(对于三星的一贯水准而言,这款机器并不出彩,但也没什么地方让人特别讨厌的。如果你真的需要关机,虽然这样操作也没啥好处,那么你得在声音设置的选单里才能找到关机按钮——它藏在那里了,真是奇怪的设计!)

Ditch the headphones first(要听音质,先换耳机)

So, getting decent content on the P3 can be a bit of a pain, but once it's on there the results are pretty good.(好的,给P3装音乐的确是件苦差事,不过如果你装好了,那么听听音质还是蛮不错的)

So long as you ditch the nasty, shouty bundled headphones and avoid the DNSe 'sound enhancement' feature, music has very decent detail, balance and weight.(不过你得先换掉那条音质糟糕、刺耳吵杂的配机耳塞,并且关掉那个所谓的能使音质增强的DNSe音效,这样你才能得到那种有非常不错细节表现的、平衡而富于低频量感的音质)

Although it lacks the sparkle and excitement of the best, it avoids harshness and proves perfectly listenable over long periods.(尽管相比于优质随身听,它的音质缺少亮点,不能使人激动,但它也避免了那种干燥粗糙的声音,P3的音质非常耐听,适合长久聆听也不嫌累。)

19、Creative Zen Mosaic 4星

It's a delightful, solid object(这是一个讨人喜欢又坚固耐用的小东西)

This really is a delightful object that feels much more solid than you might expect and proves a welcome antithesis to the slightly pretentious, ultra-glossy styling of the majority of its rivals.(这件小东西很讨人喜欢,而且远比你想象的坚固耐用得多,相比它的对手们那种肤浅自炫、过分华丽的设计风格,小格格显得非常亲切)

The Mozaic's list of compatible formats might be less than exhaustive, but the major bases are covered – you've got the MP3 and WMA space-savers, and WAV for your uncompressed tunes.(小格格支持的格式并不全面,但基本格式都覆盖了——你可以用MP3和WMA格式来节约空间,想要获得无损的音质,你可以选择WAV格式。)Dynamic delivery impresses(充满动态的音乐回放令人印象深刻)

In keeping with the theme of the test, the headphones are appalling, both in terms of the sound they deliver and their general fit and form, but swap them for a more capable pair and the Creative proves to be a surprisingly sweet performer.(配机耳塞和小格格本身一样,都有非常好的音质、而且佩戴舒适、造型也不错,但是若是换掉它们采用更好的耳机,会得到更令人惊讶的好音质)

It might not quite have the bite and brilliance of the iPod nano, but a 320kbps MP3 of Ben Kweller's Changing Horses is insightful, rhythmic and weighty.(小格格不像iPod nano的音质那么犀利、明亮,但播放XXX 320码率的歌曲时,小格格表现出了很好的解析力、节奏感与低频量感。)

There's also decent dynamism to the delivery, especially when you move up to an uncompressed WAV. (当小格格播放那些WAV格式的音乐时,声音的动态上有非常好的表现)

It's fair to say this little Zen was a pleasant surprise. It's cute, compact, and very affordable – what's more, it's actually a very capable performer, too.(公正地说,选择小格格,能带个你愉快的惊喜,它小巧可爱、身材紧凑、而且非常便宜——更重要的,它也是一款音质非常合格的音乐播放器。)

20、Cowon iAudio S9 3星

Korean companyCowonhas been quietly but doggedly chasing the MP3 market leaders for years now, and this S9 is its most stylish and sophisticated player to date.(多年来,我大朝鲜威武的靠搵公司像狗一样默默地而又坚持地追逐着MP3市场的霸主地位,这款S9是迄今为止它们设计得最有特色,也最复杂的一款MP3了。)
New 'phones won't fix everything(更换了配机耳塞也无法解决所有问题)

The headphones aren't quite as nasty as they look, but they're not far off, producing a rather harsh and thin delivery.(配机耳塞的音质不像它的造型那么糟糕,但也没好到哪去,依然是刺耳、干薄的声音回放。)

Spend 40 on a decent replacement and although the performance is unsurprisingly better, it's still not quite good enough: our 320kbps rip of Tori Amos' Cornflake Girl sounds rather fat and lethargic, despite any fiddling you might do with the substantial equaliser options.(比起前代产品,S9让消费者多花了40英镑来改善音质,但表现依然不怎么抢眼,音质还是不够好,我们选用玉米片女孩这首歌的320码率版本来进行测试,声音听起来肥厚、迟缓叫人昏昏欲睡,哪怕你把它那个混乱的音效系统操作得再好也无济于事。)

Uncompressed FLACs are equally stodgy, despite decent detail levels overall.(而无损音质如FLAC这种,听起来也依然乏味,虽然全频段的细节呈现都做得不错。)

坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-6 14:47:06

21、SanDisk Sansa View 3星

It comes as no surprise that the Sansa's headphones are very poor, producing a sound that's terribly muddy and fat, but replace them with some quality buds and the performance is much improved.(一点也不奇怪,Sansa的配机耳塞一定是烂透了,它的声音肥肥的、混混的、像一滩烂泥,但如果换成好一些的耳机,声音表现会有非常大的改善。)

There's some sluggishness and roundness at the bottom end, which slows down our 320kbps MP3 of Kings of Leon's Sex On Fire, and the highest notes are a touch bright, but there's reasonable detail along with decent dynamics and tonal balance.(低频速度偏慢,量多,使得我们320码率的火上做爱这首歌听起来变慢了,而高频又有点过亮了,不过细节、动态和声音的平衡度都还可以。)

22、Samsung YP-Q1 4星

Lose the 'phones for great, loud sound(丢掉原配,声音更好)

Sound quality, too, is strong – or at least it is when you ditch the hopeless supplied headphones in favour of something competent.(音质方面,也很强大——不过你至少要把那条毫无希望的原配耳塞换成那些更能胜任的耳机才好。)The Q1 goes good and loud, by no means a given in MP3 players, and is a fast and energetic listen. Sweet Things' I'm In a World of Trouble sounds burly and precise, enjoying a spacious soundstage and impressively dextrous timing, with vocals well-integrated but distinct.(Q1的音质不错,声儿大,输出强劲,速度感和能量感都不错,当然这是以MP3的标准来衡量。甜东西的《活在乱糟糟的世界里》这首歌听起来有力而清晰,声场不错,灵敏的节奏感令人印象深刻,人声部分既融入乐队但又清晰可辨)In fact, the Samsung seems able to cope with any style of music without fuss, and on a wide variety of file types too.(事实上,三星可以造出足以胜任各种音乐回放,各种音乐下都不会发混的高音质播放器)If you intend to load it with music, press ‘play' and keep well away from the control ‘diamond', it's easy to recommend.(如果你打算给Q1装满音乐并按下播放键开始享受的话,请注意,千万不要再碰机身上那个钻石般的控制按钮,否则极度灵敏的操控会让你抓狂,什么都不做是最好的操作方式。)

23、Philips SA2820 3星

One of our favourite hobby-horses here at What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision concerns the relative merits of a three-star review, and this is where we clamber aboard once again.(在what hifi 声音与视频版块,我们最常讨论的话题就是如何写出获得三星评级产品的相对优势,而现在则要再次应对这个难题了)

We're well aware that some more circumspect readers are inclined to clock a three-star rating and move on to the next review. That's nearly always a mistake, and that goes double in this case.(我们都知道一些审慎的读者总是倾向于关掉三星评级产品的测评报告并转向下一篇测评。但这样做乎总是错误的,而在SA2820这个产品上,更其如此。)

In many respects, this jewel-like little Philips is the perfect MP3 player. It's easily small enough to slip into the watch-pocket of your jeans, yet is packing a fully respectable 2GB of memory.(从很多方面来说,这款珠宝般小巧的飞利浦产品都是一款优秀的MP3播放器。它足够小,可以轻松放进牛仔裤的表袋里,但它的容量却不小,足有2GB)

Despite its dinky dimensions, it's got a bright and legible screen, featuring menus that are simple to follow and easy to use. Heck, Philips has even managed to squeeze voice-recording on board.(除了小巧身材之外,它还有一副明亮、易于辨识的屏幕,菜单很有特色,简单易用。见鬼!飞利浦还让这款MP3具备了录音功能!)

Just drag'n'drop your music files(仅用拖动就可以装入音乐文件)

Loading music on to the SA2820 is a simple case of drag'n'drop – if there's music on your PC, it can be on the Philips in seconds (providing it's MP3, WMA or WAV format). All for 30.(给SA2820装音乐是非常容易的,只需拖拽文件进去即可——如果你是从电脑传输音乐的话,传输速度飞快,只要几秒就传好了。而上述一切优点只需花费30英镑即可获得)

There are buttons along the edges of the player, and the entire fascia functions as a four-direction click-pad.(在播放器边上有些按键,整个屏幕其实是一个四向按钮的触屏)

This offers great usability but also means that not only is the player prone to autonomous in-pocket changes of volume (get that hold button on), but the fascia also picks up greasy fingerprints all too easily.(使用体验非常棒,在口袋里的时候,可以开启HOLD键防止误操作,但又可以盲操控制音量。唯一不足的是屏幕特别容易沾上油手印。)

Big bass might appeal to dance fans(低频轰炸可以吸引舞曲爱好者)

But the big compromises concern sound quality. It'll come as no great surprise to learn that the supplied headphones are a straightforward catastrophe – they're deeply uncomfortable and sound murky and indistinct (and at this price, we don't think it's likely that users will punt out more than the cost of the player to upgrade them).(这款机器最大的妥协是音质。毫无悬念,原配耳机完全是一个灾难,佩戴极不舒服,听起来音质昏昏暗暗,毫无特点。不过话说回来,以这款MP3的价位,很少有人会花比购买机器更多的钱去买一副高档耳塞来升级音质。)

Switching to some worthwhile products can't make the SA2820 an authentically musical machine, though.(如果你真的换上了更好的耳机,其实也音质不会变得更加真实)

The Chi-Lites' Stoned Out of My Mind is reproduced with way too much emphasis on the lower frequencies, the subsequent thumping swamping the midrange and leaving vocals fighting for space.(XXX歌的回放中,低频部分被过分地加强了,连续的鼓声甚至侵犯了中频,使得人声被掩盖,好像歌手在奋力挣扎在一片低频的泥潭里寻找生存空间)

High frequencies sound similarly dull, and the overall presentation lacks crispness and verve.(高频同样昏暗,整体上缺少清晰度和活力感。)

Of course, if you exist on a strict diet of dance music, the bottom-end prominence could easily work to your advantage – and the SA2820's combination of looks, storage, finish and price is undeniably strong.(当然,如果你是舞曲爱好者,这种下盘突出的东西会很迎合你的喜好——再加上SA2820的身材、容量、外观和价格,实在难以抗拒)

Ultimately, though, we're guided by sound quality – and we think the little Philips comes up short.(但最终我们是以音质来衡量的,所以飞利浦输了)。

sigur79ros 发表于 2012-6-6 15:43:10

In the end, it's the music that matters (说到底,音质是最重要的。 )


坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-6 16:03:54

原帖由 sigur79ros 于 2012-6-6 15:43 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
In the end, it's the music that matters (说到底,音质是最重要的。 )



坏袋鼠 发表于 2012-6-6 16:06:47

原帖由 sigur79ros 于 2012-6-6 15:43 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
In the end, it's the music that matters (说到底,音质是最重要的。 )


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