HD800的频响曲线怎样得到的啊?百度一直没查到!麻烦知道的朋友教下,谢谢!! www.sennheiser.com -> service&support -> product registration -> input "hd800" -> inputS/N address ...
Yes, please send me the frequency response certificate for my HD 800.:lol 我当初也总喜欢搞镜头的MTF曲线,看来烧摄影跟hifi也是殊途同归,hifi是搞频响,浮云啊:lol 原帖由 pcear 于 2012-2-17 23:44 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
www.sennheiser.com -> service&support -> product registration -> input "hd800" -> inputS/N address ...
Yes, please send me the frequency response certificate for my HD 800.:lol
感谢PC兄!!一步步照做了,等待回复。。。:victory: :):):)
[ 本帖最后由 davidxtb 于 2012-2-18 00:24 编辑 ] 国内能收到么? 原帖由 justom 于 2012-2-18 02:28 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif国内能收到么?
当然能的,不过海关会让你交1000元的关税:lol 原帖由 cbcb19 于 2012-2-18 00:06 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
感谢PC兄!!一步步照做了,等待回复。。。:victory: 国内能收到,不用税,就是慢些。我的好像是过了几个月才突然寄到的。