南开米饭 发表于 2011-10-16 00:51:27

原帖由 pangguizhang 于 2011-10-16 00:24 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif米饭,能不能让比利他们打开一个EF6的盖子让我们看看里面都有啥?

最终成品会揭盖拍照。样品不会。 主要是这些:一个大方牛,一个扼流圈,一个步进电位器,两块后级放大板每声道一个,还有电源和前级板。

[ 本帖最后由 南开米饭 于 2011-10-16 00:54 编辑 ]

yangmetal 发表于 2011-10-16 01:01:09



brobilly 发表于 2011-10-16 05:03:35

预告一下今天又去听了RAY的DARK STAR, 今天音源换成了BOULDER 1021 CD机, 25000美金.他又拿出了JADE搭配A10给我听EDDIE CURRENT没有带静电耳放来还有3个小时结束 看看一会儿抽空再去听听别的

[ 本帖最后由 brobilly 于 2011-10-16 05:17 编辑 ]

ian1989 发表于 2011-10-16 05:19:20

Billy你的LCD-3听感靠谱不啊? Head-Fi上的老烧们已经post了很多initial impression了,完全是一边倒,所有人,包括Head-Fi创始人Jude都赞不绝口啊。。这是Jude的感想:
Speaking of über-performance, the Audeze LCD-3 is quite possibly the best dynamic headphone ever, to my ears.Whereas the best Sennheiser HD 800 rigs I've heard have--in my opinion, to my ears--trumped even the best I could wring from the likes of the HiFiMAN HE-6, HE-500, and Audeze LCD-2, the new LCD-3 isnow my new top dynamic headphone choice.And, frankly, I'm going to see if I can side-by-side it with the Stax SR-009 here, not because I'm expecting it to necessarily beat the SR-009, but because I think this is one headphone that could give it a run.I already know there are some things it does better than the electrostatic headphone I've called my personal choice for best in the world.

Lest you think I've formed this impression in louder-than-ideal meet conditions, I want to make clear that I've absconded with the LCD-3 to my hotel room for two nights in a row, in addition to meet listening.I have now had two nearly sleepless nights with the Audeze LCD-3 balanced out of my favorite full-size-headphone-driving portable rig, consisting of iPod-->Cyper Labs Algorhythm Solo-->Ray Samuels SR-71b, driving the Audeze LCD-3 balanced via a Moon Audio Silver Dragon headphone cable.I missed dinner my first night here (and so had to make a late-night fast food run), and ordered in room service last night--and, again, I've hardly slept.Yes, I've been listening a lot.

I know--the LCD-3 looks like a modified LCD-2.It is not that.It's not just prettier wood and super-soft earpads.It's a whole new driver.The diaphragm is a lot lighter than the LCD-2's.The magnet structure is new.It has a sound that LCD-2 aficionados might call familial, but the performance is no doubt better, in every respect, to my ears.Simply put, you buy the LCD-2 and you get the LCD-2 (an outstanding headphone, by any measure).You buy the LCD-3, you get the LCD-3.I'm a guy who's purchased four LCD-2's (two rev 1's and two rev 2's), so I think I can say this with some amount of credence.

Starting with the bass, the impact and detail is simply otherworldly, and especially where I can't imagine even the SR-009 trumping it.One of Drew Baird's favorite test tracks is "Company" from Patricia Barber's Modern Coolalbum, and we were both simply floored by the LCD-3's physicality with Michael Arnopol's bass and Mark Walker's drums.No other headphone I can think of can wring this level of tremendous low-end corporeality withoutbloat--the sense of this wrung not only from energy, but detail.When you sense the finest of textures and timbre down low, combined with this driver's clear ability to convey physical impact...well, that's just standard-setting bass to my ears.

LCD-3 midrange performance is similarly stellar, with hints of bloom, but never unnatural, never exaggerated.And the treble soars, delicate, shimmering, extended.Whereas some thought the LCD-2 (rev 1) treble needed some lift and more presence, I do not expect anyone to level this complaint at the LCD-3.Throughout the audible range, the LCD-3 trumps the LCD-2 (and just about everything else) in terms of sheer detail retrieval, so its timbral accuracy throughout is freaky good.And it does all this in sibilance- and harshness-free Audeze fashion.


[ 本帖最后由 ian1989 于 2011-10-16 05:21 编辑 ]

冰冰鱼 发表于 2011-10-16 05:22:20


[ 本帖最后由 冰冰鱼 于 2011-10-16 05:27 编辑 ]

brobilly 发表于 2011-10-16 05:26:12

原帖由 ian1989 于 2011-10-16 05:19 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gifBilly你的LCD-3听感靠谱不啊? Head-Fi上的老烧们已经post了很多initial impression了,完全是一边倒,所有人,包括Head-Fi创始人Jude都赞不绝口啊。。这是Jude的感想:Speaking of über-performance, the Audeze ...
呵呵, LCD2当时也是这样的

brobilly 发表于 2011-10-16 05:28:29

原帖由 冰冰鱼 于 2011-10-16 05:22 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif毕利明显被米饭收买了;P

我没听到liquid fire的
今天去听了RED WINE那个耳放的 印度人电脑里全是摇滚 没有一首我喜欢的 听了一曲也没有让我惊艳, 比LCD2是好, 但是好多少呢? 真的值2000刀吗? 至少我听过RAY的DARK STAR和EF6之后, 我直到了HE6可以达到那样的高度, 但LCD3? 抱歉, 我还没听到他的潜力, 或者谁来做个牛逼的耳放来发挥一下?

smilence 发表于 2011-10-16 05:32:01

原帖由 brobilly 于 2011-10-16 05:28 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

我没听到liquid fire的
今天去听了RED WINE那个耳放的 印度人电脑里全是摇滚 没有一首我喜欢的 听了一曲也没有让我惊艳, 比LCD2是好, 但是好多少呢? 真的值2000刀吗? 至少我听过RAY的DARK STAR和EF6之后, 我直到 ...


brobilly 发表于 2011-10-16 05:33:29

原帖由 冰冰鱼 于 2011-10-16 05:22 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif毕利明显被米饭收买了;P低频好于009倒也没什么稀奇的,要是全频段的宽松与细腻能跟009媲美就值得下手了:$


brobilly 发表于 2011-10-16 05:35:03

原帖由 smilence 于 2011-10-16 05:32 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gifaudeze是美国公司,美国设计制造吧。怎么你去了现场还把人家当阿三啊;P
对 是美国设计 美国制造
但是我见到了AUDEZE的老板兼设计师兼制造师, 彻头彻尾纯印度人, 他应该有美国籍, 但是他就是印度人. 口音师印度口音, 有咖喱味道, 长得印度人的外形, 我确信我没看错.

但是我没有鄙视印度人的意思, 你们不还整天说意大利人怎么样 中国人怎么样 美国人怎么样, 就是一个说话习惯

冰冰鱼 发表于 2011-10-16 05:35:37


冰冰鱼 发表于 2011-10-16 05:40:25

原帖由 brobilly 于 2011-10-16 05:33 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif期待你吃个螃蟹 是有计划上009的,不过如果LCD-3能达到009的高度,倒是真会改入它了,毕竟可以省去单独折腾静电耳放的麻烦:victory:

blankdisc 发表于 2011-10-16 05:53:59

原帖由 冰冰鱼 于 2011-10-16 05:22 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif毕利明显被米饭收买了;P低频好于009倒也没什么稀奇的,要是全频段的宽松与细腻能跟009媲美就值得下手了:$ 我觉得不能. 这次听过很多耳机, 唯一毒到我的两个就是009和Jade. 009的宽松和细腻是绝对绝对地笑傲江湖. 还好开价5000, 太幸运了, 再低我就买得动了. :-)
LCD3是个好耳机, 绝对比LCD2上一个档次. 唯一的问题就是价格. 如果是我, 已经有了HE6, 我宁愿上009, 因为一个能有个质的飞跃, LCD3感觉只是换换口味而已.

[ 本帖最后由 blankdisc 于 2011-10-16 05:59 编辑 ]

brobilly 发表于 2011-10-16 05:56:59

原帖由 冰冰鱼 于 2011-10-16 05:40 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
为了求证 我又去听了LCD3两次, 一次是LIQUID FIRE一次是TTVJ的一个耳放
低频的确扎实, 拳拳到肉, 比009量多, 收的没009快, 但下潜更深.
其他地方就不要跟009比了, 甩开几个身位. 如果你考虑静电, 不妨等等WINNY的, 他的JADE我觉得比009差不了多少, 新的据说比JADE更好.
这样说吧, 他们那里的LCD3系统, 跟RAY那里的HE6系统也不要比, 出了低频控或许偏爱LCD3之外, 其他人都会更喜欢RAY那里的那个HE6.
音源也一样不那么给力, 他那里是IPAD+Centrance DACport, 还有是一个CD机, 没看清型号...
LCD3跟HE6比, 有点是低频和宽松度, HE6感觉有些紧, 音乐应接不暇的灌入你的耳朵, 而LCD3就有些宽松自然, 比较慵懒的听.
但LCD3细节不如HE6, 高频没有HE6那种延伸的感觉.
如果LCD3卖的比HE6贵1,2百我觉得是合理的, 差不多的耳机, 设计跟好看, 多花点钱是合理的.
但是还是那句话, 卖1945刀, 只有坑一个字.

[ 本帖最后由 brobilly 于 2011-10-18 13:08 编辑 ]

brobilly 发表于 2011-10-16 06:02:29

另外, 偷拍了两张AUDEZE的创始人+设计师的照片(是黑衬衫那位老兄)

[ 本帖最后由 brobilly 于 2011-10-16 06:03 编辑 ]
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