HIFIMAN HM-801播放器和HE-5LE耳机被一本关于耳机和PC音频的日文书收录
[ 本帖最后由 南开米饭 于 2010-11-3 11:29 编辑 ] 把801外形做得漂亮点才买 想听听 南开米饭 对发真男人801解剖图的态度
支持 还是反对 还是没意见?
[ 本帖最后由 小白粉丝 于 2010-11-3 12:03 编辑 ] 打架坛评测小组
[ 本帖最后由 小白粉丝 于 2010-11-3 12:04 编辑 ] Hifiman的问题是这不是一个成系列的产品:
[ 本帖最后由 Enlighten 于 2010-11-3 11:53 编辑 ] 版主早啊。感谢夸奖HM-801的音质。感谢顶帖。 另外你对于HE-5LE的说法和TAS老外的测评都完全不同,应该他们都是木耳吧。 原帖由 南开米饭 于 2010-11-3 11:55 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
版主早啊。感谢夸奖HM-801的音质。感谢顶帖。 另外你对于HE-5LE的说法和TAS老外的测评都完全不同,应该他们都是木耳吧。
听感不同?TAS上面有说不好的器材吗? 大家午安:) 小白不写测评还不是因为您老不喜欢。大家都觉得您老说的都是对的,所以就不写了。
http://www.avguide.com/review/hifiman-he-5le-planar-magnetic-headphones-playback-33?page=2HiFiMAN HE-5LE vs. Sennheiser HD650 ($600)
• The Sennheiser HD650 is roughly $100 less expensive than the HE-5LE.
• The HD650 is more compact than the HE-5LE and therefore somewhat more comfortable, though some listeners might prefer the HE-5LE’s significantly larger earcups.
• The HD650 is easier to drive than the HE-5LE, which suggests to me that it could potentially be used successfully with a broader range of amplifiers (though both headphones require good amplifiers to give of their best).
• The HD650 is backed by Sennheiser’s time proven customer support organization, which implies that many years from now spare parts for the HD650 will continue to be available, should you ever need them. As a relatively new company, HiFiMAN’s long-term customer support capabilities are as yet unproven.
• The HD650 offers a lively and articulate sound, and offers decent low frequency response. Relative the HD-5LE, however, the HD650 gives the impression of a somewhat more midrange-forward presentation with slightly truncated response at the frequency extremes.
• Relative to the HD650, the HE-5LE offers superior extension at both high and low frequency extremes (but especially noticeable in the bass region), higher levels of resolution, and a more focused and coherent presentation overall. If your headphone amp is up to the task, the fact is that the HiFiMAN ‘phones offer much greater performance upside than the HD650s do.
至于Chris Martins说HE-5LE比HD800有stronger performance overall
实在是大逆不道,建议硬总将这个外国老头,前TAS编辑五马分尸,凌迟处死。HiFiMAN HE-5LE vs. Sennheiser HD800 ($1595)
• The Sennheiser HD800 costs a whopping $896 more than the HE-5LE.
• The HD800 is essentially a hand made product, and it shows; while apparent build quality on the HE-5LE is fine, the HD800 more nearly reminds me of a Swiss watch.
• The HD800 is easier to drive than the HE-5LE, though again both headphones require high quality amplifiers for optimal performance.
• The same comments I made about Sennheiser’s customer support organization apply here, too.
• The HD800s are, as you might expect, a much closer match for the HE-5LE’s than the HD650s are, and there are some notable similarities between the two. Both headphones offer a dynamically expressive sound with good measure of midrange detail. In back-to-back listening sessions through the same amp and using the same musical selections, however, several important distinctions became apparent between the Sennheiser and HiFiMAN ‘phones.
• First, the HE-5LE enjoys a subtle but clear-cut edge over the HD800 in terms of upper midrange/treble clarity and smoothness. By comparison, the HD800 sounds rougher and less well controlled up high, occasionally imparting a “spitty” or overtly “splashy” quality on sibilant “S” sounds.
• Second, the HiFiMAN sounds more harmonically coherent and all-of-one-piece on many instruments—qualities most easily heard on female voices, plucked guitars, bowed violins, and the like. In contrast, there seem to be very small yet audible textural discontinuities that keep the HD800s from snapping into sharp focus the way the HE-5LE does.
• Third, the HE-5LE offers slightly better low frequency extension and drive than the HD800, though both are markedly better than most competing headphones in this respect.
• Although the comparison is a very close one, I would say the HE-5LE is the stronger performer overall, which is impressive when you consider how good the HD800 is to begin with (many listeners rightly regard as a benchmark product). 原帖由 南开米饭 于 2010-11-3 11:58 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
;P ;P
[ 本帖最后由 Enlighten 于 2010-11-3 12:11 编辑 ]
硬总一定会成为俱乐部的义和团领袖,消灭洋人 原帖由 Enlighten 于 2010-11-3 12:04 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif小白没这么优柔吧?
是啊是啊,我实在是太烦了。谢硬总顶贴。 现在南开米饭分明就是个广告ID!