从哪一年开始制作CD时有了IFPI? In 1986, the ISO established the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) standard, ISO 3901. In 1989, the IFPI was designated the registration authority for ISRC codes. ISRC codes "enable the use of copyright protected recordings and works to be controlled; facilitate the distribution and collection of royalties (performances, private copying); and assist in the fight against piracy."----- from wikinormally it should be after 1989 Got it.:) 那么关于PDO、PMDC、M&L、EDC之间的间隔年代呢? héhé, actually the date has pratically no use, but only for your curiosity ;p
then which is useful? you may ask, here:
66th floor 原帖由 doronxu 于 2009-7-10 10:15 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
see, i forseen it.... hahaha
already applied Though I read that before, totally forgot by now. Thanks for your answer, you 先知! another question maybe? about ifpi?here:
and here:
http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/thread-112653-1-1.html ifpi实际上九十年代初的很多cd上也没有. 不同唱片公司采纳它的时间是有早晚的. 嗯,可以想象得到。